
Right Hemisphere Deep Paint 3D v2.3.0.9 3D绘画以及材质纹理绘制工具

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Deep Paint不仅可以作为PhotoShop的外挂插件使用,而且可以作为一个独立的强大的绘图应用程序使用。它为2D绘图系统,提供了动画3D的明暗与纹理等控制功能,以产生既漂亮又逼真的效果。你能轻易地将现有的照片或图片转变为其他的绘画表现手法,厚重质地的油画、轮廓清晰的丙烯画、雅致的水彩画等等,或是建立全新图画。你可以从任何角度将你的油画打光、混合出各种颜色、使用各种画笔及调整。Deep Paint作为PhotoShop的外挂插件,让你可以输入图像到Deep Paint及将它们输出回PhotoShop。新版本提供了新的设计界面、增加了对PhotoShop 7的支持、新的预置及预置类别、笔刷的外形及笔触的预览、增加的克隆及印章工具、新增的强大的Spline工具等。


Deep Paint 3D是目前最好的3D绘画以及材质纹理绘制工具之一,它被许多世界顶尖的电影工作室,传播公司,以及电子媒体娱乐公司广泛的使用。新版本又增加和更新了许多新的功能!推荐下载!^_^

Deep Paint 3D 是可以创作出逼真 3D 效果功能强大的图形软件。用过 PhotoShop 的人再尝试用一下这个软件会感到很亲切,因为它的操作与 PhotoShop 很类似。在 Deep Paint 3D 进行安装的时候它会自动检测系统中已有的图形工具,并且可以和它们兼容,可以方便的自由切换。从创作出的实物来看,不雅于任何一个三维设计软件。  

Right Hemisphere Deep Paint 3D v2.3.0.9Right Hemisphere Deep Paint 3D v2.3.0.9
Right Hemisphere Deep Paint 3D v2.3.0.9 | 116 MB

One of the main tasks of 3D artists, along with rendering is texturing. Everyone knows the difficulties encountered during texturing 3D models, by first creating a texture map in 3D programs like Photoshop and then trying to put the correct texture on this model using UV mapping. I think every person who ever faced with similar problems, dreamed of the ability to directly apply the texture to the model, draw directly on it. Many attempts were made to carry out this possibility, the last of them, and perhaps the most successful, this program Deep Paint 3D from Right Hemisphere. 

Deep Paint 3D, a program that allows artists to paint and apply a variety of effects not directly face 3D model, with the ability to control parameters such as lightning, bump, shine, glow, and opacity.

Despite the fact that the program is produced in conjunction with plug-ins for Photoshop, 3D Max and Maya – DP is a separate program. Plugins exercise only direct link between the programs and the DP. There is also the ability to open files directly in DP. LightWave users are also able to use this plug-in since the program supports this format.

The program interface is standard, very similar to the 2D graphics editing program (eg Photoshop), so even if you’re new to this, you will not have to re-learn basic operations, which greatly speeds up the process of learning how to work with the program. Author DP – Right Hemisphere recommends the use of the program with a screen resolution higher than 1280×1024, but even at this resolution to work with the program is easy.

If you know how to use Photoshop and other similar programs, you will not be difficult to use the DP at full capacity – Layers and Masking functions, etc. – Practically no different from Photoshop.

A distinctive feature of the program is the large number of drawing tools – a huge collection of brushes, cloning feature, creating textures, etc. During the drawing, you can fully control all the parameters (lightning, bump, shine, glow and options for brushes).

The clone function is very similar to Rubber Stamp in Photoshop, and you can take the finished image and transform them into compliance with various styles (oil, pencil, pastel). For example taking the finished picture of the building, you can quickly turn it into a drawing with a brush.

But the real work is in Deep Paint becomes interesting when you send it to a 3D model of the 3D modeling program (eg 3DS Max) for texturing. Imagine that you have complete control over texturing, and all this without any UVW mapping, unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the distortion texture when applied to the model, etc. All functions are at your fingertips – the layers, transparency, etc. You can apply with a brush drawing directly on the 3D model! If desired, you can deploy a texture on a plane going into a special mode 2.5D, and edit it as you need it.

When animating objects in 3D Max can send real-time model in the DP for the correction of textures from any frame of the animation, but it’s pretty expensive. Although the developers of Deep Paint 3D is designed for normal operation in Pent200MMX with 64mb RAM, a collaboration with 3D Max requires huge resources and slows down the system, even on very powerful machines, particularly in the processing of complex scenes. If you want to save time and system resources, it is better not to use plug-ins, and open files directly in DP.

Program developers have made a special emphasis on the work program with the stylus (more control over the power of brush pressure), but excellent results can be achieved when using the mouse.

Thus, experts from Right Hemisphere implemented a long-standing dream of all 3D artists, making texturing models of nerves exhausting process into a comfortable procedure. I think that this program should necessarily be armed with all those working with 3D graphics.


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