
幸存小队 Survivor Squad RIP

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正在由Endliss Loop工作室制作的《幸存小队》(Survivor Squad)是一款战术动作游戏,玩家将控制一个由四名幸存者组成的小队,在高度随机生成的世界中寻找补给品并完成旅程。《幸存小队》要求玩家快速做出判断,跟上游戏节奏,照顾好所有队员。如果那一名队员掉队了,那他很可能会在几分钟之内死掉。必须团结一致,步步为营。


Survivor, zombie/monster, you know the story… Enjoy this fine ALiAS release.

Survivor Squad is a Strategy Action game where you control a Squad of up to four survivors and guide them through a highly randomized world looking for supplies to aid you on your journey.

Scavenge for supplies in every corner of every building, craft your gear, pick your skills and loadout while keeping your Squad alive by covering every corner and moving as a group.

It is a game that encourages quick thinking and fast paced play since you need to pay attention to all of your squad mates. If you leave someone behind, chances are they will be pounced on and die. Move as a Squad and cover every corner.


  • Top down 2D Strategy Action
  • Use Melee weapons to take down enemies silently or go guns blazing
  • Scavenge buildings for materials to craft your gear
  • Equip Gadgets to assist you in combat
  • Highly randomized world providing infinite possibilities
  • Capture Infected buildings and defend them from the horde
  • Several types of Special Infected that must be dealt with quickly
  • Rename your Survivors to have a more intense personal experience
  • Three game modes: Campaign, Survival and Death Lab.

Developer: FF56
Publisher: Endless Loop Studios
Genre: Action

Release name: Survivor.Squad.RIP-ALiAS
Size: 130MB in 14F
Links: Homepage 

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