
SoftInterface Convert XLS 6.73 excel文档转换工具

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excel文档转换工具,不需OFFICE即可独立运行,支持CSV, XML, HTM, TXT, SLK, WKS, DBF, Lotus格式文件的转换和反向转换。可以对工作表进行各种编辑已符合用户需要,可以通过COM/ActiveX接口或命令行调用。

SoftInterface Convert XLS 6.73 Multilingual | 5.9 MB

Convert XLS is a simple to use, yet sophisticated Excel converter utility specifically designed for Excel, text and CSV (character/comma delimited) files. If you need to convert/manipulate one or thousands of files, located in one or many folders this is the tool! Conversions can be done 10-15 times faster without MS Excel.

Repeat complex conversion tasks simply by restoring prior ‘Conversion Jobs’. A ‘Conversion Job’ consists of all ‘Conversion Tasks’ that you specify to be done within the ‘Convert XLS’ user interface. Each task can be detailed one at a time with ‘ Convert XLS ’s friendly user interface. This makes your future work to manipulate and convert XLS/XLSX /CSV/TXT files on a regular basis mindless endeavor!

Convert XLS Features
• Save and restore complex conversion configurations.
• Convert Excel files to and from XLS/XLSX/Text/CSV/HTML/XML without requiring MS Excel to be installed. If you do have MS Excel, ‘Convert XLS’ will support all file types in addition to TXT, XML, CSV etc. (see table below for a listing).
• Advanced Excel Manipulation Special processes including moving, deleting, adding and copying sheets. Append/Concatenate Excel files into a single sheet.
• Special processing of files including appending/concatenation, removing extra lines, launching 3rd party programs, search and replace strings and much more.
• XLSX Conversion now supported! Convert XLSX to CSV, HTML, XML, XLS, TXT etc.
• Numerous CSV (comma delimited file) manipulation features including padding, swapping out the delimiter and more. See below for more details.
• Move or delete input files after processing.
• Convert Fixed Width Text Files to/from Excel or CSV files.
• Supports recursive subfolders.
• Batch can be stopped midway and resumed at a later time.
• Automate ‘Convert XLS’ from the command line or use the COM/ActiveX interface. Complete flexibility, complete power.
• Can be adapted for all languages.

OS : Windows 7,Vista,XP,2000,NT,ME,98,95
Language : Multilingual 

Home Page – http://www.softinterface.com/

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