
GibbsCAM 2012+ v10.3.21.0 X32/X64 Multilanguage 先进CAD/CAM加工

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GibbsCAM 2012+ Multilanguage

GibbsCAM是以色列Cimatron集团子公司,拥有30多年的行业经验,是全球先进CAD/CAM技术方面的领导者,能在保持易学易用和生产效率的同时,提高产品质量。 “Powerfully Simple,Simply Powerful”是Gibbs公司的经营宗旨和目标。Gibbs公司相信给NC编程师、机械师和制造工程师提供软件和服务,使他们的工作更有效。Gibbs公司的目标是向制造业提供新技术和新方法,使他们的加工制造更为简单,进而提高效益和增加利润。为此,Gibbs公司创造了一些非常直观的图形化交互形象生动工具,使用者可以发挥想像力进行操作并把原有复杂的这类工作变为一种享受。Gibbs公司根据客户需要,以成功的服务和技术支持为客户提供一个总体有效的解决方案。
GibbsCAM是一个先进的.基于PC的计算机辅助制造( CAM )的加工编程工具. GibbsCAM作为一个应用程序.它的基本包可以任意增加无缝接呈的模块.这样的配置既可以满足你现在的需求还可以为你扩大需求.这样大大减少你的投入. GibbsCAM的图形用户界面使工程师和使用者使用方便、效率高. GibbsCAM的强大功能使得软件易学易用. GibbsCAM 的自由互动式的设计使你轻松的几何设计、刀路程序生成、过程的可视化/论证确认以及强大的后置处理. GibbsCAM的易学易用、编程效率、速度和短时间培训使得GibbsCAM成为CAM行业易学易用的领导者,是你产品加工的最好工具.

GibbsCAM 2012+ (v10.3.21.0) x86+x64 Multilanguage
English | GibbsCAM 2012+ (v10.3.21.0) x86+x64 Multilanguage | 2.08 GB

GibbsCAM is a system for automated preparation of programs for CNC machine tools, combining ease of use and functional power. The basic functionality of the system can be expanded by the addition of specialized modules. The intuitive user interface provides easy access to the functions of geometry management tool paths, verification and postrpotsessirovaniem. Flexible programming techniques allow you to quickly create the optimal treatment program. Well-established treatment processes can be saved and re-applied using a knowledge base.

Modeling capabilities help prepare the geometry for the needs of processing by creating wireframe, surface and solid geometry. Built simulate material removal mechanism accurately reflects the entire process, showing how the time variation of the geometry of the workpiece, and all possible collision. The result of the calculation can be compared with the original model geometry, finding material residues or desperately. Full associativity between geometry, process parameters and trajectories can quickly modify the model and the processing parameters and automatically receive the corrected trajectory. The system is certified for use with Windows 7, Windows Vista (SP1 or SP2), Windows XP (SP2 or SP3), Windows Server 2008 or 2003.

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GibbsCAM_2012_10.3.21.0_SSQ.part1.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/22468419
GibbsCAM_2012_10.3.21.0_SSQ.part2.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/22468420
GibbsCAM_2012_10.3.21.0_SSQ.part3.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/22468421

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