
Panzer Corps U.S Corps-SKIDROW

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Matrix Games于7月11日最新发行的基于二战的回合制策略游戏由英国的游戏公司Slitherine Ltd制作。玩家扮演二战中的德意志国防军,辗转欧洲各个战场,从入侵波兰到巴巴罗莎,再到柏林防御战总共26大战役发生在21副地图上。用游戏制作者的话说,这款游戏是SSI 公司的【装甲元帅】的精神继承者。有点像DOS游戏【欧陆战线】。 游戏的一些具体特点如下: 400种游戏单位由19大类武器类别和21种升级部件组成,17种地形和所有天气类别对战争进程影响巨大; 26大战役根据玩家的不同表现将呈现树状进程,微弱胜利和重大胜利对战局是有影响的; 包含二战中主要的欧洲国家加上美国,共超过14个,每个国家的作战单位有区别; 作战部队有详细的数据描述,弹药,燃料,经验,士气,机动力,视野等等,可以升级武器,可以补给,部队经验值可带入下一关,每个部队有作战经历描述,甚至可以产生英雄指挥官。

Description: Classic gameplay. New experience.

Panzer Corps Wehrmacht is the award-winning turn-based strategy game that the press has called “…nothing short of brilliant” and “the spiritual successor to the Panzer General series”, with high rankings and praise around the world. Brought to fruition by a team of experts and a community of hundreds of fans, Panzer Corps – Wehrmacht has evolved into the ultimate strategy classic that will find a home on any wargamer’s shelf!

Set in World War II, Panzer Corps – Wehrmacht puts players in the general’s tent in charge of the Axis armies, across 26 scenarios in one large campaign tree, carrying core forces through the war. This core force can gain experience and upgrade to new weaponry as it becomes available. With over 800 unit types, divided into 20 unit classes there is a huge amount to explore. Make use of your unit’s strengths and your enemy’s weaknesses and seize victory.

Looking for a more ‘human’ challenge? Panzer Corps’ multiplayer is deservedly popular, with thousands of games running on the server at any given time. Find an opponent online quickly and easily throughout the world with Slitherine’s award-winning PBEM++ asynchronous multiplayer system. Play historical battles or balanced scenarios created specifically for multiplayer, where both sides have equal chances to win. Panzer Corps supports cross platform multiplayer, so you can even battle owners of the iPad version of the game!

Developed by Flashback Games and The Lordz Games Studio, Panzer Corps – Wehrmacht replicates a classic wargame and upgrades it to 21st century standards for a new generation of wargamers.


  • 800 unit types, divided into 20 unit classes with 20 detailed parameters to identify unit’s abilities, 24 terrain types affecting gameplay in various ways. Panzer Corps will celebrate the glory days of strategy gaming with the aim of attracting new players to the genre;
  • Campaign: all 26 scenarios are combined into a large campaign tree with several entry points at various stages of the war. Depending on the outcome of each battle (decisive victory, marginal victory or defeat), the player will be faced with different challenges and a progress along different parts of the campaign tree;
  • More than 30 nations represented in the game: Germany, Italy, Poland, France, Great Britain, USA, USSR, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Albania, Romania, Greece and more.
  • Core units that travel with you throughout the campaign gaining experience and that can be upgraded as new weapon technologies become available.

Publisher: Slitherine Ltd.
Developer: Flashback Games , The Lordz Games Studio
Genre: Strategy

Release Name: Panzer.Corps.U.S.Corps-SKIDROW
Size: 1.35 GB
Links: HomepageSteamNFO

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