
虚幻3恐怖游戏-超自然 Paranormal-DEFA

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第一人称视角恐怖冒险游戏”Paranormal”采用虚幻3引擎开发,制作者MattCohen称其开发的互动和随机系统将使游戏营造出的诡异气氛超乎寻常,在睡眠模式下玩家还能以静态视角观察整个房间。游戏支持XBOX 360手柄。

Very interesting project by MattCohen started on Kickstarter. You must try it !

Experience the horrors of a haunting that’s never the same twice.
Paranormal is a 3D fully dynamic haunting experience. The player takes the role of Mattel Clark, an artist who has a haunted house. Mattel decides to film the hauntings with his camera, which is the viewpoint of the game.The player controls the camera as the hauntings slowly but surely escalate into something far worse and more horrific.
With multiple endings, a different experience every time, top-notch graphics and sound, Paranormal is a constantly evolving indie horror game.


  • Free Content Updates: Paranormal will receive free content updates that add new locations, stories, scenarios, scares, gameplay mechanics, and more! You will NEVER have to pay for DLC in Paranormal. The game’s content is planned to double or even triple with each major content update.
  • Collectibles: In your bedroom, there’s a shelf where all the collectibles you find are displayed.
  • Sleep System: Sleeping in your bed recharges your camera’s batteries and also has a chance of triggering other events.
  • Flashlight (camera light): Creates a bright, short ranged light that casts dynamic shadows.
  • Newer sound effects: I’ve totally redone the sound in the game, optimizing it for surround sound or headphones.
  • Controller support: The game will launch with full XBOX 360 Controller support, as well as native Mouse + Keyboard.
  • Dynamic Haunting: I’ve revamped the dynamic haunting features from the tech demo I released, adding multiple outcomes, dynamic triggers, countless variables, and an action-reaction system. This will make your experience with the game much more unique and memorable, without missing out on anything important.
  • First-Person Camera: Much like in the movies ‘Paranormal Activity’ or ‘The Blair Witch Project’, the viewpoint will be that of a camera being held by a person (the player). Effects like camera shake, pixelation, video distortion, audio distortion, and motion blur will all be present thanks to the camera screen-space shader I built for everything.
  • Horrific Story: Uncover the house’s troubled and gruesome past through hauntings, journal entries from the previous owner, and more.
  • PC and Mac Support: Paranormal will launch with both PC and Mac support. Nobody is spared from the haunting.
  • Achievements: Steam Achievements are planned for the game and there will be plenty to chase after!
  • Indie In Every Sense Of The Word: The game itself is designed by one guy: Matt Cohen (me). I have a 3D modeller and voice actors. That’s it. No huge team. No huge budget. Just a lot of ambition and late nights.

Publisher: Nifflas Games
Developer: Nifflas Games
Genre: ”Simulation”

Release name: Paranormal-DEFA
Size: 706MB in 52F
Links: HomepageDesuraNFO

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