
Hexels PRO Windows/MacOSX 绘图工具

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 Hexels 是一个极具创意的用六角形为元素的绘图工具,好久没有遇到像Hexels这样极具创意的艺术设计工具了,与那些以像素为基础的传统绘图模式相比,Hexels在这里只提供了六边形,圆形等诸多不规则多边形图案作为绘图元素,这样既增加了创作的多样性,也提高了用户使用时的愉悦度,你可以利用她来创造出许多不可思议的科技感十足的后现代风格艺术作品。


Hexels提供了免费与专业版两种供用户选择,免费版包括了标准六边图形等6种图案元素(Brixels, Crystals, Circles, Wiggles, Diagonal, Zeez),提供了涂画光晕处理功能,每个图案都配备了与其对应的网格功能,可输出.png格式文件,分辨率最大可达 1280×1280


Hexels PRO (Windows/MacOSX) | 10.8/14.6 Mb

Hexels Pro is a new kind of art tool based on patterns and tessellations instead of pixels. Use it to create beautiful works of art, hex-based maps for games, or anything in between. Start with the default hexagons and experience a cool new way of drawing. Switching shape modes lets you work with multiple shapes, as well as a choice of several different “glow” overlay styles. With Hexels Pro, a wide range of art styles is possible.

Hexels Pro includes everything in Hexels as well as the following:
– All Shape Modes – Hexels, Trixels, Cubes, Starburst, Bevel, Plus, and Diamonds
– 3D Isometric Mode with Trixels shape
– Custom Shape Editor – create your own shapes to paint with!
– Outline tool – add outlines to your artwork (example).
– Glow Maps – get all of the glow maps and import your own images to use as glow. (example)
– High Resolution Export – Up to 24576 x 24576 (depending on your system configuration)
– Workflow integration – export as vector with .svg (not including glow), or export the data to .xml and .csv.
– More to Come – every new version of Hexels adds new features and capabilities.

Home Page – http://hexraystudios.com/

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