《NodeBeat音乐节拍 NodeBeat》是一款从iOS移植的音乐节拍制作软件,NodeBeat能令你创作ake音乐,不论你是个儿童还是个大叔,它也能令你”听起来”像一个专业人士。在短短几分钟内创造你的音乐,轻松愉快地分享给你的朋友。让你发掘自己的音乐才能!
NodeBeat v1.3.8 for Android | 7.95 MB
NodeBeat is an experimental node-based audio sequencer and generative music application for Android. Make inspiring music creations with NodeBeat, the intuitive and fun visual music app for all ages. Whether you’re 5 or 105, NodeBeat will make you sound like a pro. Create your own music in a matter of minutes or listen to NodeBeat generate its own. Easily record and share your creations with your friends.
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