
FEZ v1.06a 菲斯

Games/游戏 dsgsd 296浏览 0评论

由Polytron团队开发、曾获得GDC 2012(游戏开发者大会)最佳独立游戏奖项的《Fez》是一款极具创意的利用视角的转换来改变关卡舞台,结合2D和3D的关卡的平台动作游戏全面展现游戏清新画面、复古音效背后创意玩法所能能给玩家带来的无限乐趣。

VACE with the last up to date build of this amazing game! No changelog available :(

Gomez is a 2D creature living in a 2D world. Or is he? When the existence of a mysterious 3rd dimension is revealed to him, Gomez is sent out on a journey that will take him to the very end of time and space. Use your ability to navigate 3D structures from 4 distinct classic 2D perspectives. Explore a serene and beautiful open-ended world full of secrets, puzzles and hidden treasures. Unearth the mysteries of the past and discover the truth about reality and perception. Change your perspective and look at the world in a different way.

Publisher: Trapdoor
Developer: Polytron Corporation
Genre: Indie, Platformer

Release name: FEZ_v1.06a-VACE
Size: 296MB in 34F
Links: Homepage 


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