
Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller 2.3.223

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 Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller可以在网页内添加实用吸引人的滑动边框,不用写一行JavaScript代码。


Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller 2.3.223 | 19.4 Mb

Thanks to Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller you will be able to create functional and attractive web scrollers. Your web sites can benefit from a scroller because Scrolling content attracts visitor’s attention and saves space for web page. With this program, you can create scrollers for ads, events, news, slide shows, and many other purposes in minutes, with NO JavaScript experience required.

Perfect Compatibility
• Full cross-browser compatibility. (Supports the latest IE 9, Google Chrome, FireFox 3, Opera 9 and Safari 3!)
• Fully compatible with iPad website
• Supplies Free add-ons for Expression Web, FrontPage, Dreamweaver and Golive
• Supports any DOCTYPEs, and supports UTF-8

Powerful and Feature-rich 
• Creates web scroller including pure text, images or a combination of both of them, with no limitations on the number of images
• Database-driven web scroller: item text, links, tips, etc. can be dynamically generated from database using ASP, JSP, PHP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion or JavaScript
• The generated image scroller can detect the browser’s window size and fit the window automatically when its width value is set as percent
• Image Library and Image Border provide rich resources
• Any HTML code can be used in item text, title text and popup tips

Flexible Customization 
• Full customization to scroller elements, including images, text, font, backgrounds, colors, links, alignment, spacing, padding, etc.
• Title, pagination, popup tips and scroll arrows are four optional parts, which you can choose freely as you like
• Choose auto scroll option or click the arrow button to spring scrolling
• Support editing multiple items at one time

High Usability
• User-friendly interface with live preview
• All the images are pre-loaded to reduce the download time
• Drag and drop thumbnails in the List panel to adjust the order of items quickly
• Support setting width at percent in iPad slideshow to perform well for both landscape and portrait mode

Home Page – http://www.sothink.com/product/javascriptwebscroller/

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