
The Foundry NUKEX 7.0v8 影视后期合成

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Nuke 是个强而有力的软件,具有无比的速度丶高效率多通道扫描绘图引擎丶和桌上型电脑软件市场中一流的工具组。如果您是从事优质影像创作的行业,那么 Nuke 这个经过产业验证的视觉特效工具可以为您的视效作业流程带来速度丶功能丶及弹性。
Nuke 原本是 Digital Domain 内部的合成和特效软件。因为他们的视效艺术家发现市面的商品不够弹性也不够快,无法符合他们作业上的需求,於是在 1994 年集合了一些顶尖的工程师和视效艺术家来为这个视效先驱的后制公司研发解决方案。Nuke 自此诞生。在过去的十多年里,Digital Domain 的视效艺术家肩负着推进视效科技的任务,而 Nuke 的进化与这智慧团所研发的先进技术有着密切的关连。
Digital Domain 团队的创新造就了一个专为后制公司解决实际问题的软件。但是对一个以实践前卫的广告丶音乐片丶和电影导演的梦想为重心的公司来说,即使有了一个智囊群,也难以同时应付在电脑合成软件研发先驱的任务。因此,在 2007 年 Nuke 就成了 The Foundry 的产品之一。
The Foundry 坚持原始的“由艺术家为艺术家设计”的信念来研发这个应用软件,因此很多 Nuke 研发团员亦来自影视制作界。此外,Nuke 主要的研发团队设在 The Foundry 的伦敦总公司,与一些主要的视效公司只有咫尺之离。Nuke 的进展大大的受益於与客户间的密切交流,而 The Foundry 除了维系现有的关系外也培养新关系,以确保 Nuke 能继续的为后制业提供务实的解决办法和尖端的科技。

The Foundry NUKEX 7.0v8 | 193.9 mb

Release NUKE 7.0 comes with a host of polished and perfected tools to streamline your day-to-day workflow, as well as exciting new feature additions to complement its highly acclaimed feature set.

Our NUKE products are powerful, award-winning compositing tools that deliver unparalleled speed and first-class feature sets unrivalled in the desktop market.

If you’re in the business of creating high-quality film, animation, commercial or broadcast content, The Foundry’s NUKE products, backed by a large, global pool of trained talent, will bring speed, functionality and flexibility to your pipeline. 

Bug Fixes in 7.0v8

– BUG ID 36190 – Tracker: Expanding tracking anchor search areas caused Nuke to crash.

About The Foundry

The Foundry was established in 1996. It is now the fastest-growing company in its field today, and is internationally renowned for its product design and collaborative and open approach to development.

Led by CEO Bill Collis and a management team that still includes the original founders, The Foundry is backed by The Carlyle Group with a substantial portion still owned by the staff.

In September 2012, The Foundry merged with Luxology, an independent US-based technology company. As a joint entity the company develops award-winning computer graphics and visual effects (VFX) software used globally by leading artists and designers.

The Foundry has a stable of award-winning 2D and 3D VFX software including its industry standard compositor NUKE. Luxology is well known for its innovative 3D modelling and rendering technology and its flagship product, modo.

This rapidly growing global company now has more than 200 employees distributed between its London, Mountain View and Los Angeles offices.

Name: The Foundry NUKEX 
Version: (64bit) 7.0v8
Home: http://www.thefoundry.co.uk/
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP Professional 64bit Edition or above
Size: 193.9 mb

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