Smart Photo Import是一款用来帮助用户管理和保存电脑中数码照片的软件。它可以根据接入设备的不同自动将照片分配到不同的文件夹中;可以直接读取文件的exif信息并可按照各种方式对文件进行排列;它还可以对照片执行旋转,格式转换,打印等操作。
Smart Photo Import is a small but flexible tool which helps you to manage your expanding digital photo collection. With Smart Import you can acquire photos from your preferred digital media device in a fast and effective way, organizing at the same time your pictures into folders on your computer. You choose the organizing criteria and the program does the rest. The import process is completely automatic. The program is able to use exif date informations to divide photos per each year, month or day of the shot.
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