
Crazy Catman (X64/X86) MULTI2-ALiAS

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《疯狂猫侠(Crazy Catman)》是oblomysh制作发行的一款2D动作冒险游戏。有着明亮多彩的游戏画面,有趣的音乐。故事讲述邪恶奸诈的一群狗绑架了一只猫Murka。玩家将扮演Vasya,决定去营救美人,你需要越过重重障碍,打倒无数敌人,以及许多邪恶的BOSS才能拯救你心爱的Murka。

Evil and treacherous dogs, kidnapped a cat – Murka. Vasya’s cat, honest and in love, decided to release the cat Murka from the evil and treacherous paws of dogs. To save her, Vasya will have to go through many obstacles and defeat the myriad hordes of enemies.

A bright and colorful platformer, fun music. Many levels and evil gang leaders. Win all and save your beloved Murka.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual
Developer: oblomysh
Publisher: oblomysh

Release name: Crazy.Catman(X64/X86)MULTI2-ALiAS
Size 66.7 MB – 60.6 MB
Links: SteamNFO

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