
Emergency Call 112 KEF The Minor Operations Vehicle-SKIDROW

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《紧急呼叫112(Notruf 112 | Emergency Call 112)》是Crenetic GmbH Studios制作的一款消防员模拟经营游戏。在游戏当中,玩家是一名训练有素的消防队员,接到群众的火警电话,要火速带齐相关消防工具器材,驾驶消防车赶往现场,架设水管扑面火灾!想要体验游戏的玩家一定不要错过了!

The add-on “KEF – The minor operations vehicle” is the first extension for Emergency Call 112 – The Fire Fighting Simulation. It adds the namesake minor operation vehicle (German: Kleineinsatzfahrzeug, KEF) to the player’s fleet.

Minor operations vehicles are being used for tasks that require only a few people, which mostly means technical assistance where different tools and material are needed. Players can look forward to callouts like: emergency door openings, cleaning oil spills, and barriers, as well as the kind of operations the fire fighters are tasked with following heavy storms.

The KEF included in this add-on is a highly detailed model of a VW T4 HD. As you’ve come to expect it from the vehicles in Emergency Call 112, the KEF includes many freely removable tools and equipment as well as a navigation unit. Using the KEF, the player can be called out to scenarios like water pumping, tree pruning and shuttering of doors or windows. If necessary, he also has to care for erecting barriers for self-protection.

Genre: Simulation
Developer: Crenetic GmbH Studios
Publisher: Aerosoft GmbH

Release name: Emergency.Call.112.KEF.The.Minor.Operations.Vehicle-SKIDROW
Size 1.3GB
Links: SteamNFO

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