
闪动的祖玛2 Sparkle 2 v1.0.0-TE

Games/游戏 dsgsd 319浏览 0评论

《祖玛》可谓是百玩不厌的游戏,是很多朋友的首选休闲作品之一。而该系列和三消游戏鼻祖《祖玛》的玩法与样式是几乎一模一样,只是游戏的画面更加的炫丽,也更加的好玩。贾霸推测,此次的《闪动的祖玛2 Sparkle 2》在玩法上应该保持不变,而音画效果上会进行升级。


There’s not a lot to say; either you love marble poppers like I do, or you don’t.

A long time ago, five enchanted keys were created to open a lock guarding something of immeasurable valuable. The keys were scattered across these lands forever locked between night and day. Many have tried to search for the keys, but they still remain undiscovered. Will you be the one to unravel the mystery, or will you become yet another soul consumed by the search? Challenge the darkness with your swift orb-matching skills, mighty magical enchantments and earthshaking power-ups. Match the orbs before they fall into the abyss and find your way through mysterious lands of startling beauty!

Release name: Sparkle.2.v1.0.0-TE
Size: 50MB in 11F

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