

Windows dsgsd 257浏览 0评论

Core Technologies AlwaysUp 9.03.81AlwaysUp能将可执行文件、批处理文件及快捷方式作为windows系统服务,并且进行管理和监视确保100%运行。当程序崩溃、挂起、弹出错误对话框时,AlwaysUp 能自动重启程序,并运行自定义的检查功能确保程序一直可用。AlwaysUp 能发送详细的email使你清楚地了解崩溃、重启等事件。

File size: 5.3 MB
AlwaysUp runs your executable, batch file, or shortcut as a Windows Service, managing and monitoring it constantly to ensure 100% uptime. It will automatically restart your application if it crashes, hangs, or grows too large, dismiss “Application error” dialogs, and run customized “sanity checks” to ensure that your application is available 24/7. Regular, detailed email from AlwaysUp will keep you abreast of crashes, scheduled restarts and other relevant events. AlwaysUp leverages the Windows Services architecture to provide robust, low-level application control in a secure environment. As a Windows Service, your application can start automatically when the computer boots, survive user logons/logoffs, and run entirely without user intervention.

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