
Ansys Designer & Nexxim 8.0.2 仿真软件

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Ansys Designer & Nexxim 8.0.2

ANSYS Designer是综合了高频、系统、电路、电磁界的解析的仿真软件。

Ansoft Designer原本是称做[Designer/Nexxim],这样的称谓常让初学者一头雾水,经过一段时间才了解:Designer是一个功能强大的系统模拟环境/平台,而Nexxim则是其circuit simulator。目前的称呼方式[Designer Powered by Nexxim],让使用者比较容易理解的。


Insert EM Design:分析由PlanarEM(2.5D)建立之模型参数的频域特性

Insert System Design:使用Designer内建的系统元件,如amplifier、transmission line、filter…做时域与频域的channel analysis

Insert Circuit Design:使用Designer内建的电路元件(如MOSFET、BJT…)或HFSS(3D)、Q3D(3D)、SIwave(2.5D)汇入的模型参数,做时域与频域的电路模拟

Designer虽然功能强大,但其价格也让人却步,所以Ansoft就把SI/PI需要的功能,与RF需要的功能拆开,分成Designer SI与Designer RF来卖,这样的售价推广策略,对EDA厂商与使用者都是较好的。


ANSYS, Inc., a global innovator of simulation software and technologies designed to optimize product development processes, announced the release Ansoft Designer 8.0 and Nexxim 8.0 products. This engineering simulation platform and integrated technology supports Simulation Driven Product Development(TM) of electronic products. Powerful new features have been added to these latest versions that compress the electronic design and analysis cycle.

The Ansoft Designer and Nexxim suite also offers new product packaging that customizes and streamlines Ansoft Designer and Nexxim simulation technology into application-specific software tools for engineers focused on signal integrity analysis or RF and microwave design. The new packages, named DesignerSI(TM) and DesignerRF(TM), integrate technology from Ansoft Designer and Nexxim into application-specific engineering platforms that are easy to use and straightforward to acquire.

What’s New in Designer 8.0

ANSYS is pleased to provide a great number of new and advanced features in ANSYS Designer. The new features have been developed with guidance from our most innovative customers. These advancements deliver solutions to amplify your engineering effectiveness, simulate your most complex electronic design challenges and to accelerate the time to market.

Ansys Designer & Nexxim 8.0.2Ansys Designer & Nexxim 8.0.2

Name: Ansoft Designer & Nexxim
Version: 8.0.2
Home: www.ansys.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 1.3 Gb


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Ansys.Designer.8.0.2.part1.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/23656625
Ansys.Designer.8.0.2.part2.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/23656626

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