
现代战争 4:决战时刻 Modern Combat 4 Zero Hour v1.1.0 Android

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《现代战争 4:决战时刻》,世界顶级手机FPS游戏携新篇章再度回归智能手机,带你领略全新划时代的游戏体验!核灾难爆发后,全球的安危皆系于几名精英战士之手,他们必须追踪一个熟悉且令人胆寒的恐怖组织,将世界领导人营救出来!

☢ 同时扮演大反派爱德华·佩吉,感受不同角度的故事和极具张力的剧情。
☢ 利用全新的战术移动系统来主宰战场!
☢ 从北极洲到巴塞罗那,全球跋涉作战!

☢ 感受主机级图像,逼真动画以及动态对象合力带来的战争混乱。
☢ Gameloft首款由Havok引擎打造,ragdoll效果和车辆效果真实感惊艳的游戏。
☢ 由电影界著名工作室制作的优秀音乐与配音。



P2P brings us newest version of great action FPS for Android – Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour

Description: The #1 Action FPS game is back on smartphone with a new chapter to push the boundaries of mobile gaming even further. In the wake of nuclear warfare, the only chance to avoid global devastation is in the hands of the few elite soldiers who must track down and rescue the world’s leaders from a frighteningly familiar terrorist group.


  • Feel the story’s dramatic intensity and see both sides of the story by also playing the villain, Edward Page.
  • Dominate the battlefield with a new tactical movement system!
  • Wage war and take action all over the world, from Antarctica to Barcelona!
  • Feel the chaos of war on the battlefield with console-like graphics, lifelike animations and dynamic objects.
  • The first Gameloft title powered by the Havok Engine for amazing ragdoll effects. Warfare never felt so realistic!
  • Improved sound & voice acting performed by a renowned studio in the movie industry.
  • Forge your own gameplay profile online with an improved loadout system & over 20,000 weapon arrangements!
  • A new specialization system with redesigned skills.
  • Lead your character to the top of the online leaderboards with a new ranking system!

Release Name: Modern.Combat.4.Zero.Hour.v1.1.0.Android-P2P
Requirements: Android 2.3 and up
Size: 1.9 GB

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