
Applicure dotDefender for IIS 5.10.13142/5.11.13179 x86/x64

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Applicure dotDefender for IIS 一个实时的网络监控工具,可以对网络进行全面监测,防止黑客的恶意攻击。它使用方便,可以提供详细的监控资料。

在Web应用程序中的安全隐患。事实上,黑客都在不断探测网络中的漏洞。 dotDefender是一个Web应用安全解决方案(Web应用程序防火墙,WAF),提供强大的,积极主动的为您的网站和Web应用程序的安全性。 dotDefender可以处理。NET安全问题。


Applicure dotDefender for IIS 5.10.13142/5.11.13179 (x86/x64) | 65/73 Mb

One of the biggest threats for online businesses, large and small, is that of security risks in web applications. The fact is, hackers are constantly probing the Web for vulnerabilities. dotDefender is a web application security solution (a Web Application Firewall, or WAF) that offers strong, proactive security for your websites and web applications. dotDefender can handle .NET Security issues.

Robust Security for Any Web Application
dotDefender protects any web site or web service on your server, and continues to as you update, change, and expand your code. The dotDefender WAF reduces the costs of code scanning, and enables you to focus on business, not web application security. dotDefender can handle .NET Security issues.

PCI DSS Compliance
dotDefender helps you achieve Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS Compliance).

Why Application Security?
If you thought that network security and other “traditional security measures” were enough – think again. Web Application Firewalls deal with security attacks aimed squarely at your website, and these attacks are on the rise. Read more on Web Application Firewalls and the dotDefender security solution. Able to handle .NET Security issues.

How Does it Work?
dotDefender uses a number of engines to detect and prevent hacking attacks, including Pattern Recognition, a Signature Knowledgebase, Data Leakage Protection (DLP), and Upload Inspection.

Home Page – http://www.applicure.com/Products/dotdefender


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Applicure.dotDefender.for.IIS.v5.10.13142.x86-CRD.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/23863792
Applicure.dotDefender.for.IIS.v5.11.13179.x64-CRD.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/23863794

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