
MyBusinessCatalog Multilanguage

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catalog software scheme

MyBusinessCatalog Gold   用于创作的一套产品或者服务数字目录在 CD 上被记载,然后分发在你的顾客和合伙人。


MyBusinessCatalog Multilanguage | 36.2 MB

Creating digital product catalogs is of interest only in the context of solvable problems and aid in the real business.MyBusinessCatalog is a software, turning once entered data into digital catalogs of various formats for various applications.

In a convenient environment, you enter (or import from other price lists) your products, photographs and descriptions, and the application creates the catalogs fully automatically.

Ideally, you should be able to present your product catalog in the format most suitable for the customer. Besides, it is highly desirable that the customer could not merely “browse” it, but also order necessary products and submit the order to you. And all the operations should be clear and transparent for your end consumer.

Catalog software: Digital catalog on various media – CD/DVD/Flash drives.
The wizard automatically creates a set of files ready to be recorded on a media – CD/DVD/Flash drive. Such digital catalog can be installed on a computer or launched directly from the media it is recorded on. Customers can view the products in the product catalog, create and submit orders to you.The created digital product catalog can update itself via the Internet, so it will never become outdated.

Using a catalog software – Creating digital catalog in PDF
Since PDF is a document sharing standard, and the software for viewing the files is publicly available and free (Acrobat Reader), saving a digital catalog to a PDF document is a very convenient, useful and demanded feature. What is important is that you can create a catalog with selective data. To make the job even easier, we have embedded a tool that allows you to e-mail a PDF catalog of selected products (or product groups) to your customer in a couple of mouse clicks directly from the application!

Mobile catalog for Android devices – smartphones and tablets
Fully automatic creation of a fully functional catalog for Android devices beginning with version 2.2 Over ten themes, hundreds photo decoration options Creating and submitting orders from mobile Android catalog Useful for your sales representatives .

Homepage – http://www.mybusinesscatalog.com/


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