
古:幻影传说 Ku Shroud Of The Morrigan

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《古:幻影传说》(Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan)是一款运行在安卓平台上的动作冒险类手机游戏,在游戏中你需要扮演年轻的勇士,在一个陌生的破碎世界展开冒险,你不得不与大量的怪物进行战斗,解开神奇的谜题,在女神的指引下寻找古老的宝藏。体验史诗般的传奇故事,感受爱尔兰的战乱世界,哀鸿遍野,经济崩溃,你是人类最后的希望。



Great game, great artstyle. its looks like a mix of celtic and steampunk. Don’t sleep on this one !

Forged from an ancient tale of Celtic mythology – a uniquely different recounting of the massive legendary epic, the Táin. An action-adventure set in a future Ireland devastated by technomagical war and economic collapse, humanity clings on by using the remnants of technology that survive.

When their ancient spring of life begins to fail, an unwanted orphan child must leave the safety of his villages’ mountaintop refuge. With only an ancient sword and a mysterious metal glove, he ventures into lands unexplored and twisted by strange ancient powers.


  • Celtic-punk – a fusion of Celtic and steampunk aesthetics
  • A rich and intriguing world, brought to life by beautiful hand-drawn sketches, lovingly painted and animated in high resolution
  • Timeless narrative – a reimagining of the classic Irish epic, The Táin, which tells the story of Ireland’s greatest warrior-hero Cú Chulainn
  • A lush world populated with strange creatures and vicious enemies, born in the cauldron of war
  • Fast-paced combat and epic boss encounters
  • Solve puzzles by repairing and interacting with ancient mechanisms with the aid of your trusty ‘Árgatlam’ gravity glove
  • Critically acclaimed original soundtrack – Music from Irelands premier independent electronic artists
  • Inspired by classic adventure games such as Zelda and Chrono Trigger – we’re trying to recapture a little of their magic
  • Play in Irish – a full Irish translation of the game.

Publisher: bitSmithGames
Developper: bitSmithGames
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG

Release name: Ku_Shroud_Of_The_Morrigan-VACE
Size: 150MB in 18F
Links: Homepage 


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