
SolSuite Solitaire 2013 v13.6 百变扑克牌 2013

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  著名扑克牌游戏SolSuite 的最新版本,它包括了Carpet、Grandfather’s Clock、Royal Rendezvous、Easthaven、Klondike、Simplicity、Fifteens、Monte Carlo、Spider One Suit、FreeCell、Precedence、Spider Two Suits等300多种游戏,同时它还具有华美的游戏界面以及动人的音乐、不同的背景和外壳选择。游戏不大但绝对精彩,喜欢扑克牌的朋友千万不要错过。

游戏名称:百变扑克牌 2013
英文名称:SolSuite Solitaire 2013

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SolSuite 2013 is a high-quality collection of 570 solitaire games. All of the world’s best-known solitaire games are here, including Spider solitaire, Klondike, FreeCell, Pyramid, Golf, Yukon, Monte Carlo, Canfield, Gaps, Forty Thieves, Four Seasons, Napoleon, Diplomat, La Belle Lucie, Flower Garden, Rouge et Noir. We’ve also invented dozens of solitaires with your fun in mind, such as King of Scotland, Foxtrot, Mayflower and many others!

SolSuite, a uniquely exciting gaming experience: hundreds of games to choose from, a dazzling selection of card faces & backs, large card sets for ease of viewing, ribbon interface for enhanced gameplay, skins to customize your playing area and fast, courteous support. SolSuite: it’s addictively fun!

solsuite_klondike_screenshot_02Exclusive Features of SolSuite Solitaire:

572 world’s best solitaire games!
More than 82 awesome card sets!
More than 300 beautiful card backs!
More than 190 backgrounds!
Large Card Sets easier to see!
Lots of advanced features, options and statistics!

— New “Flow View” in the Select a Solitaire dialog box;
— A new “Flow View” option for selecting games has been added to the Select a Solitaire dialog box. In the “Flow View” mode, layouts are displayed in a horizontal gallery of thumbnails, and can be viewed by using the scroll bar at the bottom. The list on the left will allow you to filter the games by various criteria, such as “Selected Games”, “My Favorites”, “Recently Played”, “Recently Added”, etc. The new “Flow View” mode can be used by clicking the “Flow View” button at the top right of the Select a Solitaire dialog box;
— New “Drag and drop or Single click / Touch” option;
— Added a new “Drag and drop or Single click / Touch” option in the Options dialog box (Cards page). It is automatically selected with the Windows 8 operating system. This new option will allow you to move cards by simply touching them (on touch screen monitors), or left-clicking them when using the mouse.

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SolSuite Graphics Pack 13.6 118 MB
SolSuite Graphics Pack contains a huge collection of amazing card sets, card backs, backgrounds and skins to use with your SolSuite.
Use SolSuite Graphics Pack to customize the appearance of the game and make your SolSuite experience more exciting day by day!
SolSuite Graphics Pack also contains the Create new Card Sets Wizard that allows you to create an unlimited number of new Card Sets!

OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/Windows 8
Home Page – http://www.solsuite.com/


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