
Native Instruments Kontakt v5.2.1 UNLOCKED FIXED WiN

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Native Instruments Kontakt 5 STANDALONE VSTi RTAS v5.0.1 (x86 / x64)

KONTAKT 体现取样的未来。没有其它软件或者硬件取样器能够全面整套提供,诸如更多的灵活性和性能,或高度的兼容性的的特性。从实际上任何格式的数据库回放到直觉的 创造新的乐器,从深刻的声音设计到活泼和动态的环绕声音混合,Kontakt 已开启此创造性的大门。



Native Instruments Kontakt v5.2.0 UNLOCKED FIXED WiN | 441 Mb

Once again, NATIVE INSTRUMENTS raises the bar with KONTAKT 5 — the latest version of the industry-leading sampler. KONTAKT 5 takes a bold leap forward with 37 new filters, four new on-board studio effects, updated time-stretching, a new instrument bus system and more. As you will see from the new STUDIO DRUMMER, for example, it’s a deep-rooted update to the KONTAKT platform, allowing us — and you — to create even better instruments and more powerful, expressive sounds.

New features:
* New effect: Feedback compressor.
* Fixed loading Reaktor sample maps in Kontakt (and some other 3rd party format loading fixes too).
* In-App authorization fixed (causing intermittent missing libraries).
* KSP: a lot of improvements for MIDI object processing (MIDI files can now be loaded into multiscript!).
* Fixed rare crashes when streaming NCWs.
* Flex envelope incorrectly displaying currently selected node fixed (also fixed crashing when right-clicking the very first node on PC – didn’t happen on Mac).
* A lot of other minor bugs fixed.

Fixed note:

Fixed x86 VSTi: Unlocking old library.

Unlocked note:

1.You can edit the password protected script.
2.You can use any libraries made for older versions.
3.You can edit libraries for Kontakt Player.
4.You can resave the library to decrypted one.


1.AAX is cracked. You need cracked AAX host to use.
2.Resave does not work on some computer/convertion. If you get PANIC message: (1) Set SaveMode to “patch + samples” with “compress samples”, then Convert. (2) Convert the patch which you saved on step1. (3) Done! — It seems that this problem depends on your OS and language settings.


Windows 7 or Windows 8 (latest Service Pack, 32/64 Bit), Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)


Home Page – http://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/synths-samplers/kontakt-5/

 Native Instruments Kontakt 5.2.1 UNLOCKED

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Native Instruments Kontakt v5.2.0 UNLOCKED FIXED WiN

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