
HexProbe Hpmbcalc 5.0

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Hexprobe Hpmbcalc Hex Calculator这款可编程的多精度十六进制计算器用于执行诸如:数模转换、虚拟随机数生成、基础测试、键转换以及复杂数值计算这样的”大数值”运算和数学运算。

HexProbe Hpmbcalc 5.0 | 1.76 Mb

Hpmbcalc is a programmable multiple-precision hex calculator with many utilities. You can use Hpmbcalc to perform a lot of big number math and encryption operations, such as: square root, modular inverse; hash, CRC, and check sum calculations; pseudo-random number generation; primality test; hex, dec, oct, bin conversions; etc.

key features

standard hex calculator panel
basic big number math operations; Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin conversions; byte/operand swaps; square root, Jacobi symbol, modular inverse calculations; next/previous prime search; and more…

scripting host and automation support
built-in scripting host; support VBScript and JScript; multiple-precision operation methods; and more…

built-in hash/checksum/CRC calculator
hash, checksum, CRC calculations; MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA, RIPEMD hash algorithms; 16 and 32-bit CRC values; message and file support; and more…

built-in number formatter
format ASCII text, c-source code, memory dump, big number to hex number; decode base64-encoded text/hex-bytes; file and clipboard support.

built-in pseudo-random data/prime generator
generate a pseudo-random sequence of bits; search for random probabilistic primes.

built-in randomicity/primality test tool
perform primality test and some statistical tests on a data.

built-in bit shifter
evaluate and simulate shift register configurations; Rotate/ Arithmetic/ Logical/ Feedback shift; history log.

more features
Windows Vista Support; fast multiple-precision operations; unlimited length of operands; XP visual styles support; full on-line help; and more…

Home Page: http://www.hexprobe.com

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