
Close Combat Gateway to Caen-CODEX

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《近距离作战:卡昂门户》(Close Combat: Gateway to Caen)是颇受好评的近距离作战游戏系列中最新一款,同是也是使用该系列引擎制作的最后一款。玩家在游戏中将会见证英军在诺曼底登陆后最大规模的一次进攻,带领部队渗透德军在卡昂西面的防线,穿越奥东河(Odon River),让陷入停滞的先头部队继续前进。

Description: Close Combat: Gateway to Caen is the latest release in the critically-acclaimed Close Combat series, and the final release of the current game engine. Gateway to Caen focuses on the largest, concentrated British offensive since the Normandy landings in an attempt to penetrate the German lines west of Caen and cross the Odon River to get the stalled advance moving again.

With Close Combat: Gateway to Caen you can play at the strategic and tactical level, putting yourself in the boots of both the generals and the platoon commanders. You can move or combine your battlegroups on the strategic level and decide the outcome of battles on the tactical level. You will command squads in close combat situations, using small arms, mortars, machine guns, armored cars, and tanks to triumph against the enemy. You command artillery and mortar barrages and even air strikes. You will get to know individual solders, platoons, battalions, and the larger brigades and battle groups which they comprise.

Players can experience the desperate situation of the outnumbered, but well-armed Panzergrenadiers, or the daunting offensive mission of the fully-supported British infantry advancing across the treacherous Odon Valley. At your command are Churchill, Cromwell, Firefly, Sherman, Stuart tanks and more. Panther, Tiger, Stug, and Mk.IV tanks will arrive to support German Panzergrenadiers as they try to hold the line against a concerted British attack.

The historic scope of Operation Epsom is captured in single battles, operations, and the grand campaign. The strategic battlefield offers over two dozen individual battlefields with over three dozen accurately portrayed German and British battle groups. British infantry regimental history is reflected in name among the various battalions. You can deploy your battalions as they actually fought in the struggle for the Odon. The game includes all new maps and a range of upgraded effects.


  • Completely revised graphics that elevate battle effects, units, and maps to a new, detailed level in the Close Combat Series.
  • Thirty new battlefield maps accurately reflect the Odon Valley west of Caen, France.
  • 65 vehicles, 36 infantry units, 77 weapons.
  • New vehicles and guns including Churchill, Cromwell, M-10 Achilles, and Firefly tanks; 17-pdr AT guns, Loyd Carriers, and more.
  • Improved graphics and effects and new soldier voices.
  • Revised terrain files that represent the specific conditions of the Odon battlefield: tall cornfields and hindered, muddy movement during rainy weather.
  • New features including Rolling barrages and dug-in/camouflaged tanks and anti-tank guns.
  • Historic regimental names and battalion organization.
  • Mount troops or guns on vehicles.
  • Integrated multi-player lobby and match-making forums.
  • Enhanced Scenario Editor – Create your own “what if” Scenarios.

Publisher: Slitherine Ltd.
Developer: Slitherine Ltd.
Genre: Simulation, Strategy

Release Name: Close.Combat.Gateway.to.Caen-CODEX
Size: 1.75 GB
Links: Homepage

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