
Mini-Turtle Logo 1.0.6

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Mini-Turtle Logo 1.0.6

Mini-Turtle Logo 1.0.6 | 3.0 MB

Computers make great learning tools because they know how to achieve complex goals starting with simple steps. With this Mini-Turtle Logo program, what could be simpler than telling an imaginary “turtle” to TURN and to MOVE FORWARD so that it can leave behind trails of colored lines? Sounds pretty basic. But just like strokes of paint on a canvas, or notes on a page, what really matters is the opportunity to bring your own creativity to the process. 

This software tool will introduce you to the “art” of computer programming. From the ground up, you will learn how to control the “turtle” using the creative methods of real computer science. The possibilities are wide open as the “turtle” obeys your every command. In just minutes, you will write computer programs that loop through a few simple commands hundreds of times, and turn your thoughts of logic into beautiful graphical patterns.

As your confidence grows, this tool will grow with you. Build programmed commands as complex as you like. Create more and more powerful commands by incorporating your previous commands. The program automatically saves all the work you’ve done, separately under your own name.

While you and your imagination explore fun ideas, you’ll be learning real computer science. Concepts like procedural programming, variables, parameters, repeat-loops, and if-then statements are all masterable here. There are even 7 built in, step-by-step “lessons” to take you by the hand and get you started.

When you are ready to share your graphical masterpiece with the world, this tool will even print your creations, centered on an 8-1/2 x 11 inch sheet of paper. Or save your artwork as a jpeg image that you can email to others.

Mini-Turtle Logo 1.0.6Mini-Turtle Logo 1.0.6

OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 
Language : English

Home Page – http://basiclearning.com/

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