
The Great Jitters Pudding Panic v1.0-TE

Games/游戏 dsgsd 231浏览 0评论

一个惊慌的布丁正被困在鬼屋里,快来解开棘手的迷宫带领他到出口!注意!可怕的怪物正在黑暗中等你,你唯一的生存机会是在布丁晕倒前先把他们吓跑:使用疯狂的武器打倒邪恶的巫婆、剑拔弩张的骷髅和生锈的骑士,收集粉红色钱币来使用你的武器,收集镇定剂来补充能量值。  你有聪明的头脑和技术逃离迷宫,击败强大的首领吗?在四个漂亮的三维版图共48个关卡里测试你的勇气!多种的游戏玩法令你心跳加速:逃出鬼屋、限时逃离、躲开怪物和在竞赛中取胜!一个有趣的游戏适合任何程度的玩家!快来体验首个三维实时幽灵列车游戏!

Puzzle a shivering jello through 48 levels of a haunted house.
But beware! Scary monsters are waiting in the dark! Your only chance of survival is to scare the monsters back before the jello quivers, shivers and faints from fear. Fight evil witches, rattling skeletons and rusty knights with an arsenal of crazy weapons! Collect coins to reload your weapons and valerian for your nerves! Are you clever and skilled enough to escape the labyrinth and to defeat the final enemies?
Test your courage in 48 suspenseful levels and dive into four beautiful 3D worlds! Many variations in gameplay and lots of challenges will make your pulse rise and your adrenalin flow: Solve puzzles, play against the clock, escape the monsters and win treacherous


  • 48 levels of different gameplay challenges
  • hilarious animations and sounds
  • beautiful 3D environments
  • suspense, action and puzzling fun!

Publisher: kunst-stoff GmbH
Developer: kunst-stoff GmbH
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie, Strategy

Release name: The.Great.Jitters.Pudding.Panic.v1.0-TE
Size: 116MB
Links: Homepage

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