
Hedge 21.1 x64

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Hedge Mac版是一款macOS平台的专业的摄影文件备份工具,Hedge Mac版可以帮助我们在mac电脑上轻松导入你的拍摄片段,并制作出多个备份。

Hedge for Mac可以导入你比较麻烦的相机镜头文件。在胶片集上处理这些数据是比较单调和容易出错的。我们的目标是自动化完成大部分工作,允许你创建多个备份和验证每个备份的准确性。使用Hedge,省心省力。

File size: 14 MB

Multiple backups of your footage, fast and easy. Hedge is a backup manager optimized to deal with these tasks so that you can work with multiple sources and destination locations, monitor the transfers, and get alerted when the task is complete.

Built for media
Offload media lightning fast, whether it’s video, stills or audio. Make your life easy and let Hedge do the tedious jobs.

Peace of mind
When creating multiple backups takes no longer than just one, you can finally sleep well — no more late night hotel room backup sessions.

Happy Together
Hedge feels just at home on your Mac as it does on Windows. 100% native code, without cross-platform ballast, ensures stability and speed.

Superfast transfers
As files get bigger and bigger, old copy-verify methods just aren’t cutting it. Hedge’s Fast Lane engine is purposely built for speed.

Simultaneous backups
Create as many copies as you need, at the same time. Hedge transfers multiple sources to all destinations, fully utilizing your bandwidth.

Verification, everywhere.
Everything Hedge does is verified, by design. Whether you’re doing a simple copy, need source verification, destination verification, legacy checksums: Checkpoint has your back.

Keep track of everything
Keep complete track of what goes where, when and how with Transfer Logs. MHLs allow you to re-verify backups later, with the standalone Checkpoint app.

Flexible at its core
Hedge is just as comfortable with NAS, SAN and RAID as it is with USB or Thunderbolt disks. Copy to and fro, or even within drives.
Need LTO? Check out Canister!

Expand your workflow
Have Hedge auto launch your AppleScripts to process footage with third party apps. Check out our how-to and examples on GitHub.

Always up to date
Hedge always supports the latest macOS and Windows releases right from the day of their release. On older hardware? We’ve got your back – we actively support four macOS versions, and have versions for even older OSs.

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