SAMCEF Wind Turbines–整体风电机组设计与分析解决方案
风力发电机正向设计解决方案SAMCEF Wind Turbines是针对风力发电机总体设计和详细验证分析专门研发的专业解决方案,其功能包括风轮、主轴、轴承、齿轮箱、机舱罩、发电机和风塔等部件的组合建模,系统的固有频率和动力载荷评估,与动力响应直接相关的疲劳寿命预估,以及各个部件的局部应力分析。
前,风能由于其可再生、环保等特性成为世界上发展最快的能源之一,风电行业持续发展要求制造商开发越来越大、可靠性和效率越来越高的风电设备,SAMCEF Wind Turbines则是带给风电行业革新性的设计工具。
SAMCEF Wind Turbines可以用于风机设计流程中的各个阶段,既可用于计算精度要求较低的初步设计、设计、验证以及风机认证阶段,也可用于精度要求很高的高级设计、原型样机的相关性对比分析及故障诊断。SAMCEF Wind Turbines统一的平台环境和高性能求解器还便于不同部门(载荷计算、传统系分析、结构分析、整机分析等)的设计人员进行协同工作。
LMS Samtech近40年的柔性多体动力学分析经验和10年的风电行业经验造就了SAMCEF Wind Turbines风力发电机正向设计专业解决方案。
根据应用目的不同,SAMCEF Wind Turbines有以下几种用途:
- 载荷评估:可先用简化模型做快速计算,得到极限状态下的结果,然后将此极限状态下的载荷工况用于详细模型做高精确度计算。
- 机械组件的设计:基于SAMCEF Wind Turbines的多体仿真特性,可以设计如偏航系统、齿轮箱等机械组件。
- 结构组件的设计:基于SAMCEF Wind Turbines的有限元仿真特性,可以设计如风机机座等结构组件。
SAMCEF Wind Turbines由两个用户友好界面组成,一个界面用于整机模型上的载荷计算,另一个界面主要用于局部组件的模拟分析:
- SAMCEF Wind Turbines桌面:包含了预定义的参数化模型和整机配置,适用于大部分工业风机的模拟仿真,并且针对所有组件都提供了不同程度的柔性模型以及认证载荷,方便用户使用。作为一个开放的平台,用户可以很轻松地将所设计的新组件整合到整机模型中,因此,无齿轮风机和海上风机的模拟就变得很容易了。
- SAMCEF Wind Turbines建模器:一个通用的有限元前处理工具,它既可以用来对某一组件进行建模,也可以将它们自动组装到SAMCEF Wind Turbines桌面已有的整机模型中去;根据SAMCEF Wind Turbines桌面计算出的载荷,SAMCEF Wind Turbines建模器还可以对这一组件进行局部应力分析。
SAMCEF Wind Turbines的求解器SAMCEF Mecano是通用的非线性有限元求解器,它适用于多体仿真,适合大型柔性结构的动态分析,SAMCEF Wind Turbines的局部或整体模态分析,可用来计算单个组件或整机的共振频率以及相应的振形。
专用的后处理工具包括时间曲线、轨迹描绘、频谱图(Water -falls)和极限载荷的提取等,还可以使用Flex5或Matlab对结果进行后处理,特定工具可根据瞬态结果测定疲劳和耐用性。
LMS Samtech Wind Turbines rev 15 SL1 | 3.6 Gb
LMS Samtech Samcef Wind Turbines provides an advanced open scalable dedicated platform for wind turbine manufacturers and suppliers. With LMS Samcef Wind Turbines, wind turbine design engineers can perform a detailed analysis on blades, tower, nacelle, bedplate, drive train, yaw and pitch mechanisms as well as the mechatronic system.
From the early stages in the wind turbine design process to the prototype wind turbine simulation, the LMS Samtech Samcef Wind Turbines approach exceeds current certification requirements. LMS Samcef Wind Turbines brings coherence to your wind turbine design process by providing a common interface to various engineering disciplines.
With a combination of dedicated graphical user interfaces and complemented with LMS Samcef Nonlinear Motion, a high performance solver, LMS Samcef Wind Turbines is perfectly suited to simulate flexible dynamics phenomena with high accuracy.
About LMS
LMS is a leading provider of test and mechatronic simulation software and engineering services in the automotive, aerospace and other advanced manufacturing industries. As a business segment within Siemens PLM Software, LMS provides a unique portfolio of products and services for manufacturing companies to manage the complexities of tomorrow’s product development by incorporating model-based mechatronic simulation and advanced testing in the product development process. LMS tunes into mission-critical engineering attributes, ranging from system dynamics, structural integrity and sound quality to durability, safety and power consumption. With multi-domain and mechatronic simulation solutions, LMS addresses the complex engineering challenges associated with intelligent system design and model-based systems engineering. Thanks to its technology and more than 1250 dedicated people, LMS has become the partner of choice of more than 5000 manufacturing companies worldwide. LMS operates in more than 30 key locations around the world.
Name: LMS Samtech Wind Turbines
Version: rev 15 SL1
Home: www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 3.6 Gb
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