
LMS Virtual.Lab rev13

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LMS Virtual.Lab rev13

LMS Virtual.Lab提供一套集成软件平台用以模拟机械系统的品质属性,如结构完整性、振动噪声、耐久性、系统动力学特性、驾驶的平顺性及操纵的稳定性等。LMS Virtual.Lab包括所有关键过程步骤及所需的技术,可对每个关键属性进行从头到尾的评价。使用LMS Virtual.Lab,工程团队可以建立精确的仿真模型,模拟其真实的性能,并能在实物样机建造之前快速有效地评估及优化设计方案。


日益激烈的市场竞争促使制造商不断提供具有足够吸引力的产品,以满足或超越客户的期望。这就需要可靠的设计流程和界面友好易用的工具,帮助他们对新产品功能品质属性设计进行深入地了解,LMS Virtual.Lab恰恰满足这一要求。它能够精确地建立模型,并能仿真在真实的工况下产品的机械设计特性。LMS Virtual.Lab强大而精确的求解器,创新的工具,全面考虑进了使用者的真实使用情况,可准确地检测出产品设计的薄弱环节,使用户能够及时有效地评估多种设计方案,从而做出设计决策。


         为了缩短产品推向市场的时间,研发部门必须加快研发过程的每个环节。LMS Virtual.Lab使他们可以从产品概念设计的早期,在建立详细的CAD模型出来之前就对产品设计进行评估。产品研发团队能够从一开始就做出正确的决策,从多个学科平衡产品的性能。更重要的是,可以避免以后昂贵的设计修改。LMS Virtual.Lab能有效捕捉和自动完成仿真过程,进而快速评估多种设计方案。其高效的求解器能以空前的速度和准确性处理大型仿真模型。总之,在不断缩短的产品开发周期的情况下,LMS Virtual.Lab是设计和开发更好产品的理想工具。

LMS Virtual.Lab rev13 | 8.0 Gb

LMS, which was acquired by Siemens in January 2013 and is now a business segment within Siemens PLM Software, announced the latest release of its LMS Imagine.Lab software, the state-of-the-art platform for mechatronic system simulation and collaborative multidisciplinary design. 

The latest release, LMS Imagine.Lab Rev13, delivers a variety of new features and enhancements aimed at increasing platform openness and system integration efficiency while strengthening collaboration to master the complexity of even the most advanced products.

LMS Virtual.Lab rev13

The latest release provides multiple modeling capabilities and methods for thermal fluid, electrical, internal combustion engine, transmission, mechanical 3D, and many other areas. These improvements expand the application possibilities for many types of industries while focusing on the automotive, ground vehicle, aeronautics, and mechanical industries. With additional Modelica support, LMS Imagine.Lab has become the first simulation platform to couple causal and acausal modeling into a single model, offering a best-in-class approach. 

LMS bolsters not only Siemens PLM Software’s product simulation capability, but also its systems engineering modeling capability and the ability to provide physical tests to validate the virtual simulations. The vendor feels really good about this acquisition and how it is already being incorporated into its broad solution offerings, especially in light of the fact that its direct PLM and computer-aided design (CAD) competitors have nothing close to these capabilities.

Siemens PLM Software, Dassault Systèmes, and Autodesk will fight for almost all possible computer-aided engineering (CAE), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and digital manufacturing capabilities and solutions. The computer-aided arms race will continue to escalate.

LMS Virtual.Lab rev13

About LMS

LMS is a leading provider of test and mechatronic simulation software and engineering services in the automotive, aerospace and other advanced manufacturing industries. As a business segment within Siemens PLM Software, LMS provides a unique portfolio of products and services for manufacturing companies to manage the complexities of tomorrow’s product development by incorporating model-based mechatronic simulation and advanced testing in the product development process. LMS tunes into mission-critical engineering attributes, ranging from system dynamics, structural integrity and sound quality to durability, safety and power consumption. With multi-domain and mechatronic simulation solutions, LMS addresses the complex engineering challenges associated with intelligent system design and model-based systems engineering. Thanks to its technology and more than 1250 dedicated people, LMS has become the partner of choice of more than 5000 manufacturing companies worldwide. LMS operates in more than 30 key locations around the world.

Name: LMS Virtual.Lab
Version: (64bit) Rev13
Home: www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 8.0 Gb

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