
Alfred 2.3.264 MacOSX

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Alfred是一个依靠键盘操作来提升Mac OS X使用效率的工具,它可以让打开程序、搜索互联网、执行常用命令加速。原文介绍是

Alfred  (Mac OS X) | 3.37 Mb

Alfred is a keyboard-driven productivity application for Mac OS X, helping you launch apps and search your local computer as well as the web with great speed.

* Application launcher: Launch any application with a quick shortcut. Alfred will learn which apps you use often and prioritise them when you search
* Search your Mac: Quickly find and open files, bookmarks, contacts, music and more. You will never again have to wonder just where you saved that important document.
* Search the web: Search or launch your favourite websites: Maps, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia and many more.
* Calculate and Spell: Just start typing to do a quick calculation or look up spellings, definitions or synonyms and antonyms.
* System Commands: Control your Mac with speed and efficiency. Empty trash, start the Screen Saver, restart, shut down, eject a drive and more.
* Custom Searches: Create your own web searches for frequently used websites and wikis.

Ward off RSI – skip using the mouse with this fast and beautiful app.

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 or later

What’s New
Version 2.0.6:

Add appearance option to show Alfred on the screen which the mouse pointer is currently visible
Consume Tab Autocomplete when there are no matches in the file system navigation view to prevent selecting all the text
If a contact’s URL doesn’t have a scheme in the address book viewer, default to http:// so that the URL is correctly opened
Fix issue where using cmd+number in subviews (iTunes Mini Player / File System Navigation etc) selected the incorrect item
More robust filter type editing when pressing the [-] button on editing the advanced filter types tab. Also, pre-select the newly added row.
Show “Browse folder in Alfred” action for public.volume types
Fix workflow based hotkey app toggling for apps inside ~/ folder tree
Add ‘com.apple.applescript.text’ to the AppleScript types for default results and running AppleScripts (if selected in prefs)
When setting a new hotkey with a shift (or other mod) and number, show the number in the UI rather than the modified character such as @
Make the loading of icons for files on external drives a user based option for performance
Reduce unnecessary logging for improved performance

Alfred 2.3.264 MacOSX

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