
Registry Reviver x86/x64

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Registry Reviver 1.2.94

在我们日常使用计算机的过程中,常常会产生一些我们无法察觉的错误,这样日积月累错误越来越多,渐渐地会拖慢系统的运行速度,所以我们要隔一段时间检查并修复系统中的错误。今天就向大家推荐一款这样的软件——Registry Reviver。

Registry Reviver使用最先进的技术来分析电脑中的错误,侦测并移除电脑中的所有失败的软件未使用的注册表项,错误安装/卸载和优化Windows操作,提高计算机的运行速度。

Registry Reviver  (x86/x64) | 9.8 MB


Registry Reviver uses the most advanced technology available to analyze your PC errors and speeds up your computer. The program detects and removes all the unused entries in your computer’s registry from failed software, install drivers, installations with errors / uninstall and optimizes the operation of Windows.

Registry Reviver uses the most advanced technologies available to analyze PC errors and speed up your slow PC. Registry Reviver detects and removes all unused entries in your PC registry from failed software, driver installations, faulty installations / uninstalltions and optimizes your Windows startup.

• Improves your computer’s performance. After using Registry Reviver you will notice an immediate improvement in your PC’s performance and stability.
• Stops PC crashes and errors – By running Registry Reviver regularly, your PC will boot up faster, be more stable, and experience less crashes and conflicts.
• No need to be tech-savvy. It takes a bit of PC knowledge to correctly diagnose Registry errors and edit them using manual tools. Registry Reviver does all of this for you, and more, quickly and easily.
• One click fix – Take the frustration out of a slow performing PC, and clean up your PC with one simple mouse click!
• Saves you money. No need for costly service calls or the purchase of a new PC. By using Registry Reviver you can keep your PC running like new.
• Registry Reviver protects you from mistakes. The automatic restore point setting ensures that if there are any problems with a repair, the changes can be easily reversed to get you back up and running in no time.
• New intuitive and simple to use interface makes Registry Reviver user friendly and easy to use. Registry Reviver has been developed with the novice user in mind while providing the backend structure and functionality expected by the most advanced user.
• BONUS: Startup Manager. Allows advance users to quickly and easily manage which applications they want to launch at startup to optimize boot times and overall PC performance.
• Light footprint ensures your computer’s performance won’t be affected while you use Registry Reviver. The last thing you want to do when running an application is for it to bog down your system and lose performance. Registry Reviver is all about helping improve your PC’s performance and has been developed with this in mind.
• 24 / 7 technical support. Support for Registry Reviver is available from within the product and via email. Turn around time for a support request is less than 2 hours.
• Registry Reviver is RISK FREE. If you are not completely satisfied, Registry Reviver comes with a no questions asked 30-day money back guarantee.
• Windows 7 compatible. Many Registry Cleaners are not yet Windows 7 compatible. With the big push for Microsoft on this launch, and with most new PC’s coming with Windows 7, the need for Windows 7 support is essential.

Home Page – http://www.reviversoft.com/

Registry Reviver x86/x64

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