
巫师加强版 导演剪辑版 The Witcher Enhanced Edition Directors Cut-PROPHET

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巫师》 是由波兰公司CDProjekt采用《无冬之夜》的Aurora引擎所制作的PC动作角色扮演游戏。《巫师》设定在波兰畅销书作家AndrzejSapkowski设置的世界中,并综合了华丽的动作设计和耐人寻味的故事情节。你就是巫师,童年时代是为了战斗而被训练的战士,而一些遭遇和审判将你转化为目前这样。你通过砍杀怪物来谋生,同时加入了一个在很久之前成立的保护人们免受狼人、丧尸以及其它野兽侵害的兄弟会。
  而《巫师加强版》相比原作在画面上有了一定的提升,在游戏操作性上面进行了修正,加快了读取速度,并补充了一些人物对话和角色姿态。同时还附加了一款名为D’jinni的MOD编辑器,允许玩家自行创作在巫师世界中属于自己的冒险,并且加入了两个由CD ProjektRED制作完成的新的冒险流程。  



Another great release by PROPHET. Enjoy The Witcher Enhanced Edition Directors Cut!

Description: The RPG of the Year is back – in a Premium Edition packed with powerful extras! Assume the role of The Witcher, Geralt, a legendary monster slayer caught in a web of intrigue as he battles forces vying for control of the world! Make difficult decisions and live with the consequences in a game that will immerse you in an extraordinary tale like no other! Representing the pinnacle of storytelling in role-playing games, The Witcher shatters the line between good and evil in a world where moral ambiguity reigns. The Witcher emphasizes story and character development in a vibrant world while incorporating tactically-deep real-time combat like no game before it. The Witcher: Enhanced Edition takes all of the acclaimed gameplay that garnered the original game more than 90 awards, and perfects it with a number of gameplay and technical improvements.

Geralt of Rivia: a one-of-a-kind protagonist

  • A charismatic and unique character, Geralt is a mutant swordmaster and professional monster slayer.
  • Choose from over 250 special abilities correlated to attributes, combat skills and magical powers to build the character in a way best suited to tactical needs and style of play.

Original fantasy world drawn from literature

  • Inspired by the writings of renowned Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski.
  • Featuring adult themes, less fairy-tale than typical fantasy, with mature social issues like racism, political intrigue and genocide.
  • It is a harsh world where nothing is black or white, right or wrong, often forcing players to choose between the lesser of two evils to advance.

Non-linear and captivating storyline

  • Full of turns, twists and ambiguous moral decisions which have real impact on the storyline.
  • All quests can be accomplished in several ways and the game has three different endings depending on the player’s actions and choices throughout the adventure.

Visually stunning tactical action

  • Engage in complex yet intuitive real-time combat based on real medieval sword-fighting techniques.
  • Motion capture performed by medieval fighting experts at Frankfurt’s renowned Metric.
  • Motion capture performed by medieval fighting experts at Frankfurt’s renowned Metric Minds studio, resulting in 600 spectacular and authentic in-game combat animations.
  • Six combat styles, dozens of potions, complex alchemy system, modifiable weapons and powerful magic add tactical depth to the fluid real-time experience.

Publisher: CD Projekt RED, 1C-SoftClub
Developer: CD Projekt RED
Genre: Action, RPG

Release Name: The.Witcher.Enhanced.Edition.Directors.Cut-PROPHET
Size: 17.95 GB

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