Create elegant and impressive wedding albums in minutes, not days. Create your own custom signature templates, or browse LumaPix’s online catalog of designer wedding album styles. Tune your compositions with FotoFusion’s best-of-breed tools for image layout; send low-res watermarked proofs to your bride by email, web gallery, print or pdf. Take full advantage of the flexibility of all-digital layout and give your customers the look they expect. FotoFusion’s professional photography software is the best album layout tool that money can buy. |
Features :
Wall-Mounted Portraits Bigger is better – large-format output is the mark of a professional and the centerpiece of a high-end job. Any composition you create in FotoFusion can instantly be resized up to wall-mounted portrait size, with all text, mattes, and other elements being re-rendered at the final resolution; the quality of your own imagery will astound you. FotoFusion::Extreme professional photography software can produce output at any size – a 24×36″ portrait is a snap, trade show signage and even grand-format output are just a matter of increasing the output resolution of your work. Senior Portraits Creating your own gallery of styles to offer your clients, with space for your subject’s name and graphics that reflect their unique personality, will show your clients at their best while running your studio’s pipeline at full speed. Composites & Yearbooks Team Sports Composite Cards / Z-Cards |
OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
HomePage - http://site.lumapix.com/
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