NZBVortex是一个小巧却高效的轻量级Mac OS X NZB下载客户端,对性能和易用性进行优化,比一个Usenet客户端下载更有效。
- 多服务器支持
- 优化下载大小)
- 后处理(parring和unrarring)
- 多连接下载
- 同步传输(可选);
- SmartCheck
- 集成Usenet搜索
- 下载完成自动关机
- 跳过样本文件(可选)
- 电脑休眠
- yEnc编码
- 简单明确的UI
- 优化Mac OS X 10.6(32/64位)
- 适用于Mac OS X的本地GUI
- 低硬盘驱动器使用(内存高速缓存);
- SSL服务器支持
- 下载节流/限制;
- 支持Growl
NZBVortex 2.10.1 (Mac OS X) | 5.34 MB
The small and efficient NZB client for OSX, optimized for performance and ease of use. A usenet client which really takes the pain out of usenet download the most efficient way.
Some key features:
• Full multi server, multi connection and SSL support
• Integrated usenet search
• Minimized download size (selective par2, sample skip etc)
• Par2 check and repair, including fast SmartCheck fast par2
• Uncompress, Cleanup, Join
• Password checks the downloads
• RSS for auto and easy show downloads
• Very low CPU, Memory and Disk IO usage
• much much more
NZBVortex is very feature complete and extremely tuned for optimal download speeds and minimal system usage. A real set-and-forget download application: add a NZB and NZBVortex will take care of the rest.
Requirements: OS X 10.6 or later
Version 2.10.1:
Integrate NZBking search engine
Newznab as search engine
Post extract “par2 filename repair” postprocessing
OS X Mavericks broke or disabled proc_listpidspath in Sandboxed Apps
Don’t strip [] and () characters from NZB filename so NZBs keep years in name
Slightly less cpu cycles when no NZB is processing
File cleanup – file_id.diz
Ability to disable “download error” notification sheet
Favicon for web interface bookmark.
Match RSS Include filter in order, first has preference
Some specific poster uploads filenames with usenet file name “(null)”
Improve CPU usage on high count nzb queues
Blacklisting in search by poster name
Newznab search engine categories
Reintroduce “smart par2 check” checkbox in advanced preferences
Add option to auto create separate folders for seasons when using groups
Ability to abort Usenet Search and downloads of nzbs in search
Archive password file support and via nzb filename {{PW}}
Recreate rss completely
Detect wake up while updating RSS feeds, cancel update if detected
Disable “Missing start archive” junk check when filenames in nzb are incorrect
Sorting of the list of group in the menu
Sort Watch/RSS List top left on name
Groups: Ability to move to subfolder with same name as RSS watch
RSS TV Shows: download all episodes of a show but never double
Groups: Ability to move TV shows to season folder
2.10.1: Fixed bug where no download would start from RSS without include filter
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