Camtasia Studio是TechSmith旗下一款专门录制屏幕动作的工具,它能在任何颜色模式下轻松地记录屏幕动作,包括影像、音效、鼠标移动轨迹、解说声音等等;另外,它还具有即时播放和编辑压缩的功能,可对视频片段进行剪接、添加转场效果。它输出的文件格式很多,包括Flash(SWF/FLV)、AVI、WMV、M4V、CAMV、MOV、RM、GIF动画等多种常见格式,是制作视频演示的绝佳工具。
TechSmith公司出品了很多精品软件,包括著名的抓图软件Snagit,而Camtasia Studio是该公司一个专门用于录制屏幕动作的软件,且TechSmith还专门对Codec进行开发,研究开发了属于自己的一套压缩编码算法,叫做”TSCC” (TechSmith Screen Capture Codec),专门用于对动态影像的编码!
其实Camtasia Studio已不仅仅是一个录屏工具了,它包括了5个组件:Camtasia录像器、Camtasia菜单制作器、Camtasia音频编辑器、Camtasia剧场及Camtasia播放器。它可以作为视频编辑工具,可以将多种格式的图像,视频剪辑连接成电影,以多种格式输出;并可将电影文件打包成EXE文件,在没有播放器的机器上也可以进行播放,同时还附带一个功能强大的屏幕动画抓取工具,内置一个简单的媒体播放器等。
TechSmith Camtasia Studio 8.1.1 Build 1313 | 248.1 MB
Camtasia Studio is the complete professional solution for recording, editing and sharing high-quality screen video on the Web, CD-ROM and portable media players, including iPod. With support for a variety of video standards, you can ensure your content delivery now and in the future.
Easily record your screen, PowerPoint, multiple audio tracks, and webcam video to create compelling training videos, screencasts, and presentations without ever leaving your desk. With the power of interactive Camtasia Studio videos, you can deliver high-quality content anytime, to even your most remote audience.
Camtasia Studio helps you keep pace in a mobile world by making it easy to publish videos and MP3 files for iPod and other portable media players. Now your marketing message, screencast, lecture, or just-in-time training video can reach your audience practically anywhere – on the bus, in a coffee shop, or while they’re jogging. Camtasia Studio videos are simply designed to share.
• Intelligent capture controls that adapt to you
• Crystal-clear playback at any size with Camtasia SmartFocus™
• Easy, versatile video sharing with TechSmith ExpressShow™
• Precise editing and butter-smooth onscreen movement
• Professional content without a ton of production time
With the smartest screen recording tools on the planet, Camtasia Studio makes everything from training videos to PowerPoint presentations to lectures look better, reach more people, and pack more punch. Which makes you look even smarter, too.
Home Page – http://www.techsmith.com/
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