KLS Backup 2011为功能强大的文件同步备份工具,你可将数据备份到指定的本地硬盘或网络系统硬盘,CD/DVD 刻录盘,或远程 FTP 服务器上。可以不要压缩数据备份,也可以是采用标准ZIP、7z或SQX储存。此外,它还有比较目录内容的功能,可很容易地实现归档版本控制。
KLS Backup 2011 Professional Retail | 13.5 MB
KLS Backup 2011 is a powerful backup, synchronization and disk cleaner program that allows you to back up or synchronize your data to local and network drives, CD/DVD media, FTP or WebDAV server. The cleanup feature is a complete solution to backup and clean private data and free up disk space. The backup files can be stored uncompressed or compressed in standard Zip, 7-Zip or SQX format.
- Easy-to-use but powerful integrated workspace.
- Backup data from local and network drives, cloud storage, FTP and WebDAV servers, Windows Registry.
- Backup of databases (Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL) and application data (Outlook, Thunderbird).
- Backup to local and network drives, FTP and WebDAV servers, CD/DVD media.
Backup to cloud: Windows Azure, Amazon S3, OpenStack Object Storage, Eucalyptus Walrus- Full, incremental and differential backups.
- Backup of open files and NTFS permissions.
- Highly configurable backup profiles and plugins.
- Standard ZIP compression, Zip64 support, 7-Zip and a custom encryption format.
- Powerful archive management and search functions.
- Selective restore of files and folders to original or custom locations.
- Secure archives with AES encryption, SSL/TLS support for remote transfers.
- Two-way file synchronization engine with version support.
- Automated backups with the build-in scheduler service.
- Detailed backup logs, E-Mail notifications and Windows Application Log support
- Command Line Interface (Console)
- Compatible with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, including 32 and 64-bit versions.
Home Page – http://www.kls-soft.com/
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