
The Inquisitor Book I The Plague-RELOADED 检察官 — 第一本书:瘟疫

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Anuman Interactive制作发行的一款找图解密类新作。


RELOADED released new RPG for PC, The Inquisitor – Book 1: The Plague. Enjoy!

Description: The medieval adventure casts players in the dual roles of Nicolas Eymerich and his partner, friar Jacinto Corona. A cruel man whose only goal is to combat Satan, Eymerich assumes the mantle of Grand Inquistor when sent to a French territory where the Catholic Church has lost its influence. Once there, he discovers that the village is afflicted with a deadly plague and that madness and heresy have united, forests are on fire hiding monstrous creatures created by the ancient pagan myths, and the Cistercian castle has turned into an impregnable fortress where large stakes burn. It’s up to Nicolas and Jacinto to discover the cause of these horrors and put a stop to them.


  • More than 100 hours of gameplay.
  • Three character classes–Paladin, Priest, and Thief–each with his own unique and independent story.
  • Wield the power of the Inquisition as you arrest heretics; use a variety of tools-such as the iron maiden, suspension, and the rack-to extract confessions and burn the heretics!
  • A wide, open-ended world for you to explore and exploit as you see fit.
  • More than 200 weapons, 80 spells, and 7 schools of forbidden and allowed magic!

Publisher: CINEMAX
Developer: CINEMAX
Genre: Fantasy, RPG

Release Name: The.Inquisitor.Book.I.The.Plague-RELOADED
Size: 1.06 GB
Links: NFO | IndieDB | STEAM | AdventureGamers




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