Surfer是美国Golden Software公司编制的一款三维立体绘图。有了他,用户可以轻松制作基面图、数据点位图、分类数据图、等值线图、线框图、地形地貌图、趋势图、矢量图以及三维表面图等,可以为您节省大量的时间,不必浪费昂贵的人工去做苦力,是地质工作者必备的专业成图软件。
Golden Software, a developer of affordable 2D and 3D scientific modeling packages, is pleased to announce the availability of Surfer 23.3.202 is a grid-based mapping program that interpolates irregularly spaced XYZ data into a regularly spaced grid.
Surfer 23.3.202 (March 30, 2022)
– Common graphic files: add GML extension
– Update EULA in Surfer for subscription licensing
– 3D View: default camera is far away when Map and layer have different coordinate systems
– 3D View: Export 3D: some surfaces export with the axis labels in the wrong location
– 3D View: Export to VRML: textured surfaces with blanked areas can lose surface color
– 3D View: Surfaces: shading resolution doesn’t work anymore
– AutoSave: failure during recovery prevents Surfer from running
– Base (vector) layer: changing Map coordinate system reverses image
– Base Map: Ellipse, Rounded Rectangle, and Rectangle did not name properly using Attributes
– Base(vector): zipped SHP files imported without coordinate system information when there was a PRJ in ZIP
– Copy/Paste Format: undo/redo of actions can create multiple color scales and lead to crash
– Crash when Undo Paste Format
– Frame: Inaccurate bounding box when loading document with color scale in older versions
– Grid Data: text contents keep expanding after error until they’re out of the dialog
– Internal Error after redoing unchecking of ‘Show color scale’ property (ColorScaleNode.cpp)
– Internal Error when certain limits & scale are applied (Axis.cpp)
– Internal Error when gridding some data using CoKriging (anisotropy.cpp)
Surfer is powerful contouring, gridding, and surface mapping package for scientists, engineers, educators, or anyone who needs to generate maps quickly and easily. Producing publication quality maps has never been quicker or easier. Adding multiple map layers and objects, customizing the map display, and annotating with text creates attractive and informative maps. Virtually all aspects of your maps can be customized to produce the exact presentation you want.
This video introduces Surfer, explains some of the key features of Surfer, and shows how easy it is to create a contour map in Surfer from x,y,z data.
Founded in 1983, Golden Software is a leading developer of affordable scientific graphics software. Its customer base includes over 100,000 users involved in environmental consulting, oil and gas exploration and extraction, mining exploration and extraction, engineering, applied science, business, education, and government in nearly 190 countries and territories. Golden Software offers four products: Surfer for gridding, contouring and 3D surface mapping; Grapher for 2D and 3D graphing; Voxler for 3D data visualization; and Strater for well log, borehole and cross section plotting.
Product: Golden Software Surfer
Version: 23.3.202
Supported Architectures: x86 or x64
Website Home Page : http://www.goldensoftware.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 287.7 mb