
最终剪辑2:安可 Final Cut Encore Collectors Edition v1.0-TE

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《最终剪辑2:安可》是Big Fish Games发行的一款冒险解谜类游戏,在前作中,你同父异母的妹妹绑架了你的弟弟,她想要的是父亲发明的胶片放映机,最后你救出弟弟,妹妹被抓起来,放映机则是被父亲的朋友摧毁了,而你留下了放映机最后一个部分。现在,妹妹居然从医院逃跑了,父亲的朋友担心逃出来的妹妹会对你造成威胁,所以东西拿着快逃阿!!当你揭开父亲黑暗的秘密,发现谁才是让你爹爹搞出一个致命的发明还杀了你爹爹的幕后黑手,《最终剪辑2:安可》的剧情将会十分出彩。



TE has released “Final Cut Encore Collectors Edition” for Windows. Get other exclusive extras in this Collector’s Edition that you won’t find in the standard version!

Description: Your murderous half-sister has escaped, and you’ve got the last piece of your father’s treacherous film projector. The breakout success story returns for an encore as you uncover the truth about your father’s dark secrets and find out who’s really behind his death and his deadly invention in Final Cut: Encore.


  • Step into your sister’s shoes in the bonus game
  • Collect film strips and other achievements
  • Downloadable soundtracks and screensavers
  • Bonus wallpapers and concept art
  • Integrated Strategy Guide

Release Name: Final.Cut.Encore.Collectors.Edition.v1.0-TE
Size: 1.20 GB
Links: Homepage 


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