
PointWise 18.6 R1 build 20220509 Win/Linux/mac

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PointWise 18.6 R1 build 20220509

Pointwise是一款非常流行的CFD前处理网格生成软件,其前身为Gridgen软件,后者是上世纪80年代美国通用动力公司专门为研制F-16战斗机而开发,其被广泛应用于F-16, F-15, F-18, F-22, F-35, F-117, B-2, E-2C, P-3C, X-15,X-43、Space Shuttle, Space Station、高性能涡轮和高性能潜艇开发中。

Pointwise可以生成多块结构网格、非结构网格和混合网格,支持导入多种CAD数据格式作为网格生成基础,也可自行建立简单模型。其支持的导入格式包含了所有主流CAD软件,比如CATIA,SOLIDWORKS,PRO/E等等,也支持包括IGS,STP,PLOT3D等通用格式。其生成的网格可以输出十几种常用商业流体软件的数据格式,包括ANSYS FLUENT,CFX,CFD++,PHOENICS,OVERFLOW,STAR-CCM+等,也包括众多开源软件支持格式,包括SU2,CFL3D,PYFR,OPENFOAM等等。对用户自编的CFD软件,可选用公开格式导出,如结构网格的 PLOT3D格式和非结构网格CGNS格式。

PointWise 18.6 R1 build 20220509 | 2.1 Gb

The Pointwise CFD product team is pleased to announce the availability of Pointwise 18.6 Release 1 is our leading mesh generation software product for CFD, encompassing nearly three decades of technology development.

Pointwise 18.6 Release 1 Release Notes – Date: May 2022

New Features
– Fidelity Pointwise 2022.1 now uses FlexNet for license management. Fidelity Pointwise V18.6 (functionally equivalent) supports Reprise License Manager.
– A function was added to the unstructured block solver that speeds up T-Rex initialization times by allowing T-Rex to advance multiple layers with each step.
– Two new examine metrics were added for estimating required curving during high-order export: Database Deviation and Relative Database Deviation.
– Domains created by using On Database Entities now inherit the quilt name.
– Saving a file using Save Selection As will now keep only the named layers that contain selected entities rather than keeping all named layers.
– A new keyboard shortcut was added for isolating masks: Ctrl + LMB + Mask toolbar icon.
– A new Glyph command was added to compute the minimum distance between database surfaces.
– A new ability to hide assigned volume conditions was added to the CAE, Volume Conditions panel.
– The default value for voxel transition layers was updated to 5.
– The following versions are now supported for database import: NX CR 1980, Parasolid 33, and Creo 8.

Pointwise is solving the top problem facing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) today – reliably generating high-fidelity meshes. The company’s Pointwise software generates structured, unstructured, overset and hybrid meshes; interfaces with CFD solvers such as ANSYS FLUENT, STAR-CCM+, OpenFOAM, and SU2 as well as many neutral formats, such as CGNS; runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac, and has a scripting language, Glyph, that can automate CFD meshing. Manufacturing firms and research organizations worldwide have relied on Pointwise as their complete CFD preprocessing solution since 1994.

Pointwise, Inc. is solving the top problem facing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) today – reliably generating high-fidelity meshes. The company’s Pointwise software generates structured, unstructured, overset and hybrid meshes; interfaces with CFD solvers such as ANSYS FLUENT, STAR-CCM+, OpenFOAM, and SU2 as well as many neutral formats, such as CGNS; runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac, and has a scripting language, Glyph, that can automate CFD meshing. Manufacturing firms and research organizations worldwide have relied on Pointwise as their complete CFD preprocessing solution since 1994.
Cadence is a pivotal leader in electronic design, building upon more than 30 years of computational software expertise. The company applies its underlying Intelligent System Design strategy to deliver software, hardware and IP that turn design concepts into reality.

Product: PointWise
Version: 18.6 R1 build 2022-05-09 with Tutorials
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.pointwise.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows / Linux / macOs *
Size: 2.1 Gb



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