
ORPALIS PDF Reducer 4.0.5 Professional

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ORPALIS PDF Reducer 是一个PDF文件优化软件,可以保证清晰度,不影响阅读体验的前提下,有效的减小PDF文件的体积,达到给PDF文件减肥瘦身的目的

打开软件,.在 Source 及 Destination 分别选择优化的 PDF 文件与优化后的 PDF 文件保存目录,然后点击[Start batch],等完成后,会显示出共减小了多少大小等信息

Languages: English, French
File Size: 41.07 MB

Need smaller PDFs for file storage, file sharing or fast web view purposes? Use ORPALIS PDF Reducer to select either individual files or entire folders to minimize the size of your PDFs and images. Make web publishing of PDFs a snap allowing fast web view or just save time when sending them via internet. And get everything done really fast!

System Requirements
– Windows Vista or higher operating system
– 1.3GHz processor or better
– 512MB of RAM (1GB or more recommended)


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