
Rons CSV Editor 2023.05.19.1414

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Ron’s Editor是一款功能强大的 CSV 文件编辑器。它可以打开任何格式的分隔文本,包括标准的逗号和制表符分隔文件(CSV 和 TSV),并允许完全控制其内容和结构。凭借干净整洁的界面,Ron 的编辑器也非常适合简单地查看和阅读 CSV 或任何文本分隔文件。Ron’s Editor 是终极 CSV 编辑器,无论您需要编辑 CSV 文件、清理一些数据,还是合并并转换为另一种格式,这对于经常使用 CSV 文件的任何人来说都是理想的解决方案。

File size: 4.6 MB

Ron’s Editor is a powerful CSV file editor. It can open any format of separated text, including the standard comma and tab separated files (CSV and TSV), and allows total control over their content and structure. With a clean and neat interface Ron’s Editor is also ideal to simply view and read CSV, or any text delimited, files. Ron’s Editor is the ultimate CSV editor, whether you need to edit a CSV file, clean some data, or merge and convert to another format, this is the ideal solution for anyone who regularly works with CSV files.

If you are looking for a professional, yet simple editor for tabular text files, Ron’s Editor might do the trick. Providing powerful editing features, this software offers full control over the structure of any standard comma or tab separated documents.
At the first run, you are welcomed by the ”Start Page’, where you can import files or create new documents. The ‘Text Import Wizard’ is there to help you open any separated or fixed width format from a file or even your clipboard, without altering the text layout or reformatting it (to do so, it allows you to review the source separators while previewing the output file).

The application provides standard editing tools which you can use to modify field values, insert, delete, split or merge columns, duplicate and append rows, sort data or apply custom filters. Moreover, you can fully edit the column layout and change its type, thus modifying the whole document structure. The result can then be easily exported to Excel, HTML, XML or another separated / fixed width text format.
To grant you even more control, Ron’s Editor comes with tools for updating groups of cells simultaneously, change the data layout in forms, as well as editing cells containing tabs or new lines. Access the ‘Toolbox’ to easily find and replace data, change the case, add or remove text, numbers, dates, empty rows, all while previewing the result on the spot.

Filtering and summarizing capabilities, the quick find tool and automatic cell dimensioning are other advantages that this tabular editor comes with. Also, it automatically detects and provides support for text encoding.
Combining ease of use with advanced editing functionality, Ron’s Editor proves to be a handy utility for viewing and formatting tabular text or CSV files. It provides you with all the editing tools you need, while striving to keep things simple.


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