
Beat MPC Expansion Mystic Voices XPN

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Beat MPC Expansion Mystic Voices XPN screenshotXPN | AudioZ Exclusive | 1.41 GB

MPC Expansion: MYSTIC VOICES – 66 Spiritual Choirs & Trance Atmospheres
Ethereal whispers, wild jungle tribes, mystic elven choirs and the magic voice of throat singers – mixed and layered with pads and ambient textures… this sound bank for Zampler and your MPC will be your guide into energetic adventures of sound you have never heard before. If you’re into ambient and spiritual art of voices, or simply want to enhance your songs with natural & hypnotic atmosphere, this one is for you!


1,6 GB Samples (optimised für MPCs)
66 Keygroup Programs
7 Energetic Basses
17 Vox Leads & Spiritual Synths
39 Hypnotic Pads & Throat Singers
3 Trance FX & Atmospheres
464 Samples
Audiodemos per Keygroup
Compatible with Akai MPC One, X, Live, Live mkII, Force, Studio, Touch, Renaissance, Key 61, MPC Software & MPC Beats


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