
Cinematique Instruments Kalimba for HALion

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Cinematique Instruments Kalimba for HALion screenshot29 June 2023 | 761 MB

Inspiring rhythmic tines and bars
This beautiful collection of six different sampled kalimbas is more than a simple sample library — it´s a fun and inspiring playground for experimenting with sounds. You can combine the kalimbas and two sampled articulations from the legendary Guitaret with a pandrum, music box, Cembalet and more. For all kind of creative, and even weird, sound manipulations there are nine different effects included. And, of course,everything can be randomized with Cinematique Instruments’ famous engine to create endless new presets.

Six sampled kalimbas and two articulations of the famous Guitaret

Eight additional layer instruments ranging from gambang to reversed sounds

Multi FX: Nine perfectly suited effects for creative sound design

Randomize: Create endless new presets by dicing effects and sound layers

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