
Acustica Audio Cream 2 2023

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Cream插件是Acustica Audio的Acqua插件系列,Acqua是Nebula的商业化改进,能够在单个插件内加载多个卷积实例,例如在一个界面中调用多达无数个均衡器频段和压缩器,并自由调整它们的路由和声音响应,Acqua技术仅对Acustica Audio及在Acustica Audio商店上架的软件开发者开放,不对第三方Nebula采样库开发者开放。

Cream是Acustica Audio广受赞誉的插件系列之一,与Pink、Magenta、Navy等产品线一样,属于商业产品。其基于著名的早期稀有硬件“EMI”系列开发而成,包含了著名的原厂EMI TG12345、EMIT TG12345 MKII/MKIV控台、EMI TR-50、EMI TR-90、EMI RS124、EMI TG12345 MKIV压缩器等产品,这些早期的原版硬件现在几乎无法获得,除非从二手交易网站以数万的高价购买或购买其他厂商的致敬版本。

Team R2R | 11 Jun 2024 | 225.0MB

Cream 2 is based on an iconic series of hand-built British vacuum-tubes, transistors, and solid state hardware made between the late 1950s and the early 70s. Cream offers a unique tone that stands out for its incredible warmth and tonal richness, largely thanks to the rare topology and historic components used in the original hardware.



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