
VoosteQ Material Comp & Model N Channel Bundle 2024.6

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Material Comp 采用独特的建模技术模拟了6种类型的压缩器、6种用于饱和度处理的前置放大器和8种模拟电路,此外还配有详细的图示分析仪和4种风格的混音总线处理。

VoosteQ 拥有64位处理能力,支持高达192 kHz的采样率。DFP(分区增强处理)技术声称可在较低的CPU负载下重现模拟电路的细微差别。

Material Comp 模拟了6种类型的压缩器,包含 Modern、60’s FET、Luxe VCA、Studio Master、OPTO、TUBE。除了典型的阈值、比率、起音和释放控制外,还具有可调节的拐点。用户可选择峰值或 RMS 检测模式,此外还配有1个侧链滤波器和1个用于并行压缩的混合旋钮,图示分析仪也非常详细。

Material Comp 还模拟了6种用于饱和处理的前置放大器和8个风格的模拟电路,此外还增加了3个特别的调节选项,分别是Punch、Groove、Imager(用于加宽立体声声场)。4种风格的混音处理声称除了适用于混音总线以外,还可用在原声吉他和人声音轨上。

File size: 68 MB

A cutting-edge compressor that is equipped with ”DFP” a technology that
VoosteQ spent 3 years developing to thoroughly reproduce the nuances of an analog circuit.
Mastering grade signal processing technology can be achieved with an extremely low CPU load.
The internal processing is fully 64 bit and produces sounds with unbelievable transparency.

6 analog model compressors

“Modern”, “60’s FET”, “Luxe VCA”, “Studio Master”, “OPTO”, “TUBE”.

6 saturation models of high-end analog preamps

This is used to generate skillfully designed analog preamp drive sounds, rather than strong distortion.

8 flavors that reproduce sounds from analog circuits

It thoroughly analyzes the ambiance, frequency, changes to the sound phases,
and other elements made when actually passing through the circuit of hardware and reproduces them.
It produces a completely analog sounds that cannot be reproduced using EQ.

4 original glues developed by VoosteQ that bring together all sounds

It is extremely effective, such as when blending further after adjusting the compressor.
It also has an effect on acoustic guitar and vocals, in addition to mix buss.

“Special Section”
The 3 features of the “Special Section” make the sounds of the Material Compressor even more appealing.
It is equipped with “Punch,” which produces a more offensive attack to enhance the features of the sounds,
“Groove,” which adds a groove that undulates in real time with the entry signals,
and “Imager,” which expands in stereo using techniques used at mastering studios.

Model N Channel
This plug-in models British-made preamps, compressors, equalizers, and transmitters.
It models multiple actual units, including vintage units, recent units, and modified units, and can be used in combination with them.

Model N Channel is not just modeling the sound of the original preamp, comp, and EQ alone.

It features modeling of the sound qualities and tones routed in large recording studios, including sounds through British consoles, cables, bantam patch bays, and even AD/DA, which can add a strong analog texture.

Preamp Section
Modeling of vintage 70’s units to recently released units.

Compressor Section
This is a feedback type compressor modeled after two vintage British 70’s units. THD, frequency response, etc. change organically and automatically according to the input signal and the amount of reduction.

Equalizer Section
This is a modeling of three equalizers, including vintage 70’s units to recently released units. Not only the frequency response of each EQ, but also the distortion and texture are modeled.

Analog Flavor
Switches between sounds that simulate transformers and analog circuits. In addition to frequency response, it also simulates a comped feel and texture.

Material Comp: v1.7.10
Model N Channel: v1.0.4



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