
KORG Gadget 3 Plugins v3.1.1

Windows dsgsd 54浏览 0评论

KORG Gadget 3 Plugins提供了 30 多种工具乐器 – 各种合成器、鼓机、采样器等。 更多功能,可以快速帮助你将想法转化为音乐。

Team RET | 10 Jan 2024 | 4.21GB

Get more than 30 Gadgets
All Gadget Instruments are included – a wide range of synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, and more.

Here’s what’s new in Gadget 3.0
Two new gadgets provide long-awaited audio recording.
“Recife” – A new powerful drum gadget with 16 pads.
Supports music sharing service “Allihoopa”.http://allihoopa.com/
Supports exporting plug-in data with Ableton Live Export.
Supports audio document manager “AudioShare”.
Other improvements have been made to enhance stability.


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