
Hitek Software Automize Enterprise 13.10

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一款自动化任务管理软件,可以帮助用户轻松管理和自动化计划任务。 该软件支持多种任务类型,包括FTP 传输、文件压缩、电子邮件通知、数据库备份等,可以根据用户的需求定制任务的执行。

File size: 66 MB

Automize is a task scheduler and automation program. Easy to use, No programming is required.This task scheduler and automation software can automate a variety of tasks, including FTP transfers, FTP monitoring, Web downloads, Web site monitoring, e-mail checking and sending, Telnet, ping, database SQL, advanced zip, unzip, copy, synchronize folders, and directory and file monitoring. In addition, the chaining feature can run tasks in sequence or conditionally depending on exit codes.

Additional features include email notifications on task failure, FTP browsing, ZIP file viewer, extensive logging, remote task control and more. It supports dynamic variables to achieve advanced automation tasks. Email notification profiles based on exit code can be set for tasks.Schedules can be synchronized to allow or prevent overlapping schedules. Dynamic variables allow for advanced automation solutions. Number of command-line utilities are available to remotely and programmatically control tasks and the scheduler.The program is written in Java and therefore Multi-platform compatible.

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