
VovSoft Website Screenshot Generator 1.6 x64

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Vovsoft Website Screenshot Generator是一款功能强大的自动化工具,只需点击几下即可捕获多个网页的屏幕截图。无论您是出于网站测试、营销还是设计目的需要截屏,该软件都能提供简单有效的解决方案。凭借其直观的界面,您可以简单地输入 URL、调整捕获设置并以所需的格式保存网站快照。

批量 URL 到图像转换器
这个批量 URL 到图像转换器程序对于任何需要快速轻松地生成网站屏幕截图的人来说都是必不可少的工具。使用此软件,您可以拍摄任何网站的高质量屏幕截图,并将它们保存为您选择的格式,包括 PDF、PNG 和 JPEG。

File size: 87 MB

Vovsoft Website Screenshot Generator is a powerful automation tool that allows you to capture screenshots of multiple web pages with just a few clicks. Whether you need to take screenshots for website testing, marketing, or design purposes, this software provides an easy and efficient solution. With its intuitive interface, you can simply enter the URLs, adjust the capture settings, and save the website snapshots in the desired format.

Batch URL to image converter
This batch URL to image converter program is an essential tool for anyone who needs to generate website screenshots quickly and easily. With this software, you can take high-quality screenshots of any website, and save them in the format of your choice, including PDF, PNG, and JPEG.

Whether you are a web developer, marketer, or designer, this software is a must-have tool that can help you streamline your workflow, and save time. With its user-friendly interface and ability to save screenshots as PDF, PNG, and JPEG, this software is an excellent choice for anyone who needs to capture website screenshots regularly.

This application includes and uses Chromium 109.

How to capture website screenshots in bulk
You can use this bulk website screenshot tool to capture screenshots of web pages. Follow the simple steps
Download and run Vovsoft Website Screenshot Generator
Click “Add HTML Files” or “Add URL List” button
Add batches of HTML files or URLs
Choose output format (PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, BMP)
Choose orientation (portrait, landscape)
Choose destination directory
Click “Start” button

Key Features
* Website to PDF
* Website to PNG
* Website to JPG
* Webpage snapshot


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